Monday, January 7, 2013

SCM Christmas & New Year Fellowship 2013-6th January 2013

Good Food
Commitee -Ready to serve their fellow
Encouraging words & Blessing
of food.-Fr. Michael Chua
What an event! What a fellowship! What -with the rich and sumptuous food and delicious array of desserts, guaranteed to bring out the delight in anyone, who  wouldn't enjoy the night yah!!The event saw a full crowd ( twenty tables, ) packed into Lourdes community Hall. Seniors parishioners were all dressed  up in their Sunday best for their first fellowship of the year!  Time to let down their hair and just enjoy and catch up with old friends!!There were  the chorus of Hello! Happy New Year! How have you been keeping!
Sure, we can't tempt you with a little
bite Father??

The Parish Priest did not let his senior parishioners down either. He was there right after mass, without a breather..congratulating them on their first joyous event of the year , and then  he had to rush off for another engagement but not before urging everyone to have a great night!!...Ah, of a priest, so much to do!! And yes, he was there to bless the food and open  the event  and did it race off to a  roaring start! Thanks Father!!

Your working team -people!! And we
do appreciate their dedication
and commitment!!
SCM President-Daniel Chacko w
team mates
The call went out to all committee members to stand with the President right in front of the hall. And we settled down for the speech of the year...but no..he was fronting his hard-working committee team, acknowledging and appreciating their contributions and energetic efforts for the past year and looking forward to their continued good works in the new year 2013 ....And yes, President, that is a  fantastic team, you have there!...It is not easy organising events let alone...success topping success each time!! A round of applause for SCM's very own Daniel Chacko and his team!!

Lamb-barbecued to perfection
the sauce was exceptional!!
That's where the food came from.

Invitees under Friends of Mercy
with Tony Mark.
And yet another beautiful start to a great year..the action of care and sharing of good food with people in need of attention and a little love. We have invitees (14 of them) under the Friends of Mercy Ministry...headed by Tony Mark.and my, were they appreciative of the joyous occasion, though a little shy..

Who else grace the occasion? I spied Jessie and Charlie Goh and their smiling troop...Yes, it was indeed them.. and all you lovely,.lovely,  guys who came!!

We couldn't have a better team of entertainers to sing away the blues and bring in merriment for the night..See who they were from the pictures!!

Looking to take home lucky goodies to start off a good year??  You have come to the right place......plenty of prizes for the picking and smiles were in abundance....must be the blessed chalk working eh folks??Did you get what you wish for???

Cake cuting-Jan born

What's that?? Cake cutting for  January birthdays?? Alright, all January born, get to the front...folks...get ready to wish them a very happy and blessed birthday...A gentleman taught me to use the word blessed and yes..I find that "blessed" is indeed the precise word to use...Cut your cake are into another year and that is a calling for you to move forward ...Happy Birthday!!

Enjoying yourselves folks??
Yours Truly walked round...all were digging into their food.....Do you like the food?? Yes, and Yes and Yes...What a night!! I love the favourite variety...and those vegetables were lovely.. absolutely lovely!!

Lemon chicken, fish, mutton curries, chinese sotong, two great variety of mixed vegetables, rice, noodles and what a great array of delicious goodies on the dessert side. SCM! You have outdone yourself again!! There were enough for three rounds and more! Love the food!! Great night! Great people!!
Isn't this Father George??
Hello and welcome!!
Hello there, what a smile!!

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