Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thoughts for reflections

Is there any more value  going to church together as a family ? 

I always felt that it is not only a fantastic way of spending time with God.,but a wonderful cultivation of quality, bonding time with the family as well. A family that eats together, stay together, a family that prays together, remain together, their bonds growing stronger.Needless to say, they  also build up a fortress of like-minded  friends they could be comfortable with. 

This is where  the divide of thoughts and beliefs between parents and their modern children takes place. Many insist,  the once a week obligation is more than sufficient-then again, let that be a matter of personal choice, they say. More than that is a No, No. Fellowship after mass, is bothersome. Most, could not run fast enough from the church premise., after each obligatory session .Must be a reason.

My realisation is this, anything done out of compulsion ultimately becomes a meaningless routine, even a chore. Plant the seed, let the heart decide.  Ultimately , it is more important that  their own inner self  call out in belief and want ... for their own sake.. then faith will expand and fill their hearts. Every journey must be under taken by the individual themselves; no one can take the walk for them, no one can journey on their behalf. 

Also, sometimes church and community instead of adding to faith...are instrumental to loss of faith..when they become too zealous and over shoot their boundaries.  

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