Thursday, February 28, 2013

Make a success of your Vision

Habakkuk 2:2-4

Write the vision and make it plain... 
For still the vision awaits its time; it hastens to the end-it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not delay....he whose soul is not upright in him shall fail, but the righteous shall live by his faith

How many of us dream-dreams and yet do not have the conviction, determination and focus to make it to the finishing line. How many of us grow impatient and walk away!! How many of us, leave the race midway, limping away. How many of us turn our backs on our vision-discard it  when challenged. 

If you have faith in your own vision, it shall surely materialize and come to pass-have patience, work surely and steadily towards it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baby lessons

Proverb 24:16


To the God fearing  
Though you  may stumble, you will never completely fall. God stands firm and steady holding your hand-lifting you up, whispering and shouting encouragement all the way. A baby stumbles and falls, but he does not give up..he tries again and again  until he is able  to stand upright on his feet. Then he takes his first step, then another, and another, and soon begins to run and he is on his way. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Listen, Think - Only then Speak!

Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak.... James 1:19

Listen more ..speak less..Listen and digest well before opening your mouth. That way,  ego and rashness is prevented from making a fool of wisdom  and putting a shutter before  your sight.

Open your mind. Hear the words, understand the message ...see things in their correct perceptive. Only then Speak!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Look ahead

Life is meant as a forward journey , not backwards...

Time ticks is meant to be......

If you try to turn the clock have succumbed to  the trap of  illusion - leaving you in  a cocoon -a time pocket. 

Get out of the   "If only!" self punishment mode. 

The sun still shines, time moves is up to you whether you want to go under or spring ahead!!~

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Touching hearts through Jesus

Fr. Simon
Recognise him??
Guess who was at Holy Redeemer this morning?? .. it can't be but it was indeed Fr. Simon Pereira . as  charismatic as ever..  simple- down to earth,  yet with the power force of  "Tai Chi" gently opening   hearts, in Jesus' name reminding the suffering to let go and truly believe in the power of God -that our God is the ultimate Healer who  has the power to remove every pain and sufferings from  our lives. Way to go Father! 

Matt 6:34- Reflections for daily living

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day.Matt 6:34

How often do we run around in circles, stressing out ourselves, object-lessly worrying about tomorrow . Let us action and  focus  good care for  today because they are the grounds, the quality and determiner for your tomorrow and the days to come.  

If you cannot look after Today...what more tomorrow?? 
Just make sure you do justice to TODAY and  TOMORROW will be just fine.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Crucial Direction

Digest the words., friends .for they truly   point  the direction when you are at that cross road wondering just which direction to take!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

God's Grace

Keep faith, surely He who created our human form and breathe  the spirit of life into us, will not abandon us for forever. He will remove all obstacles, and bad intentions. He will put our lives in order and be renewed in His blessings and His Grace. 

If things had not been going well for you, do not lose heart..keep on trusting and believing focus on your goals and He will surely restore the goodness in your life!! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reap what you sow

Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7

Your decisions, your actions, determine your vision and the course of your life.  A man reaps what he sows...your harvest will depend very much on your CHOICE and  how determined you are in achieving your goals. How believing you are in your wants and the EFFORTS you put in to achieve it.

If you are persistent, and refuse to give up. You treat challenges as a learning, an education, and move steadily ahead, ultimately you will attain.

St. Paul may be speaking to the Galatians, but his advice is appropriate to our daily living as well, yes even in this modern times!! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A sharing...Dance with the flowers

Something worthwhile from my friend Mary Tly...No words needed...The wonder of God ...the beauty of Nature...Dance with the flowers people & Enjoy!!! 

Fruitfulness comes from God

I am like an evergreen cypress, from me comes your fruit. Hosea 14
Work hard, reap your success but never boast and take full credit for your achievements, without acknowledging the  power and love of the Lord our God.. 

All goods things come from the Author of Life. It is He who smile success and goodness upon you. Give thanks and humble yourself before him!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Courage in the face of Treachery

Woe to those who hide deep from the Lord their counsel. whose deeds are in the dark, and who say. Who sees us? Who knows us?-Isaiah 29:15

Do not forever grieve the  deception, and the hypocrisy of others who profess to be your friends but work overtime in the shadows and in sheep's clothings to  bring you down.

Often we are heartbroken and disillusioned when we discover the treachery of people we call friends and loved ones. It is perfectly normal to cry a little, the bitterness of your heart. But if you do not cease your crying, the happiest people will the ones who conspire and plot against you - the wolves in sheep's clothings. 

Leave the trash to the trash bin. Move on...Straighten your shoulders, lift your What goes round, comes round...that's the justice put in place from the beginning of time.

Take courage, be strong in the grace of the Lord God!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Seek Good Not Evil

Seek good, and not evil, that you may live. Amos 5:14

When you  believe in goodness and do good, ..your conscious and conscience is clear and uncluttered, your vision - clear that you are free to act and go about your tasks with clarity,  good spirit and good cheer. No stress, no guilt, no fear, nor life sucking cancers, block your way!. You are like a  well form, healthy tree, standing tall and proudly beautiful in the land of the living...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Who am I???

What am I? Who am I?
I don't know, I really don't:
I'm searching, scouring the lands
for an identity...
The key that opens
recognition and crown
me who I am...

Bubbles of dreams led me
Oceans, mountains and valleys
Many a time, deserts,
With naught an oasis in sight;
And the frightening maze , 
closing and closing in 
upon me...
Abandoned, lost  within...

How often have I look heavenwards
and questioned ...who am I?
Dear God-
What is your purpose for me?
What means this journey
crafted  me???

Spring had come and gone;
summer too..
I've crossed into the Autumn horizon
Bones aching yet passion never flagging -
Persistently searching..and searching
The elusive doorway
into the land of fulfilled dreams....

Somehow, I believe  greater plans 

are there for me-
And it will come to pass.
It's this faith and trust 
that keeps the fire burning,
Until my Attainment Star
is affixed in its rightful place,
the shinning gallery
of achievements
Up the brighten skies above!!