Monday, February 11, 2013

OLL Annual Feast Day & Marian Procession

 Shepherd of the night
Who's he??
Who's sitting with Fr. Lawrence??

Parish Priest
Fr. Michael Chua
Fr. David 
Fr. Lawrence
 Who's who concelebrating at the Parish Feast Day Mass :-
Fr. Peter
           The faithful at the procession - the street leading to Little India
Jammed but moving!!
Part of the crowd
Lighted butterfly. Lovely huh?
Shepherds lead the way!!

Back to the grotto
What a fabulous turn out it was for OLL's Feast Day Mass and the Marian procession  this evening! Woh! The longest procession ever, I've witness to honour the Holy Mother. Methinks -its two miles-three miles long?? This time it was all the way into the Streets of Little India, back to the Round About before heading back to the Church Building for the Grotto. It is a happy day...she, the Holy Mother   must be so proud of this day!!.

Rose & flower petals for our Lady at the grotto.
What a beautiful, beautiful sight!!

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