Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gong Xi Fa Chai 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!!

What  cultural joy!! It's CNY and the priest expresses his Chinese New Greetings in Mandarin to the delight of Chinese parishioners. Added to the joy of the season  both Fr. Michael Chua and Fr. Peter distributed blessed oranges and angpow !!Hahaha!!! The years  rolled back and there we were, little children again , waiting excitedly  and expectantly for red packets symbolising goodness throughout the current year!! It is not the amount inside that counts, but the good wishes that comes with it!!

St. Bernadette's home  needs
funds for people under
their care. In the spirit of CNY
guys do your bit.

 Shepherds of OLL dished out an additional angpow of a different kind this year-special prayers for strong and lasting marriages-married couples were blessed -The accompany prayer was of worthy note. Stable and lasting marriages truly are the backbone and the wealth of a happy and blessed home!!

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