Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

"For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God" Psalm 62. Indeed, don't we all pine and thirst for the presence of the Lord God in our lives??. No one can claim, He does not need God, for where is he to walk if he has no light to guide him and show him the way??? Man cannot walk in darkness, he will be perpetually stumbling and falling. And how is he to thrive without the light and living waters of life??? God with us,  brings in the goodness that makes it possible for us to complete the journey  designed us, conquering challenges and obstacles, ensuring a safe passage home. He provides, He Shelters, He gives life its meaning. Yes, A Loving Father in everyway.  On this day, let us remember GOD, THE FATHER,  in a very special way, so that His blessings be with  us  and each and every deserving fathers of this universe. 


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