Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Brethen we have been called..

No one comes to me unless the Father who sents me, draws him John 6:44

 What powerful words and truly, we have been called and chosen  to walk  LOVE in God's Holy Name. . I tell you brothers and sisters, giving love unconditionally in our own human way, is hard enough, our very being rebel, when the" You"  became first and the "I"  forced last.  ... " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I loved you...John 34 ...That kind of love means, turning the other cheek... putting oneself last, others first.... placing God in the centre of our heart and just let his Holy Spirit  breathe the grace of giving into our  being. It is a tough act to follow, People,  believe me ! If put to the test, we will all score zero! And  I  for one confess I will score a double zero! the spirit of goodness has yet to fill me!.And that  brings home the realisation that we need God in our lives, we need to be reconciled and connected with our God, each and every day of our lives, if we are to receive the peace given us. ...

I was at the LSS Seminar on Sunday, and this very charismatic speaker quoted John 7: 37-38 " If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said-out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water" Wow! and believe it or not, at that moment, such a thirst came upon me..that I crave desperately for some water to drink...I held on for as long as possible but the tongue became so dry, it was literally hollering for water...that I had no choice but to leave the hall in search of some water to quench my thirst and thank the good Lord, I found water, plenty of sweet water outside. A message from someone above????Life, you are a maze of limitations, so many needs, so many wants, so many obligations, so many desires......most of us are hampered and side-tracked and only those truly called to serve have that strong conviction to religiously carry out his commandment of love and those are the people who have made church what it is..God bless those already serving the kingdom of God and those who will be called to serve.

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