Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lazarus and the Rich man -St Anne's PKlg

How many Lazarus among us crying out for crumbs and scraps that fell off the tables of rich men and never got them! (Open your minds, people...crumbs, scraps.., food  to feed the hungry stomach -sure.... but they could jolly well refer to hunger and want of love, of care, justice, be fair...or just plain attention!!!!! as well...)  Our eyes and ears are very often closed to the plight of the needy and marginalised...and if we were the less often does people hear our cries for that matter???

Hey, folks! How many  hard working poor  worked their lives away, only to have whatever credits due to them stolen by the rich....they never got their fair share of the rewards and while they remained at their level, or even poorer, the pockets of the rich got heavier and more bulky! Sad but true.. So, "Rich men"  out there initiate change! Think -a fair amount of giving and sharing...think a little happiness for others...

And yet how many Lazarus out there are being exploited of their intelligence and talents by so call friends, or beneficiaries ......but these people turned out to be "rich men"  instead....The world is full of robbers, self righteous judges, actors and wolves in sheeps' clothings......who are we to trust ????? Why, we even bite our own tongue sometimes.....and believe it or not even loved ones could be your tormentors....we have read enough of such horror stories in the media, have we not????? Husbands stealing from  wives so that they could set up home with another woman or simply sell the Chasity of their wives for money.....Fathers, yes, fathers....attacking their own flesh and blood for sexual gratification.....hey, we have also so called "mothers" as well ....abusing their children ...or failing to stop their partners from hurting their own children.. they would rather, their children were killed, rather than lose their wicked partners....... How many Lazarus images staring from the faces of old folks, abandoned by their heartless children....pushed into the shadows many,  many Lazarus situations our societies, our own many Lazarus .crying out for help....The world is full of injustices, deceit and mirages... selfishness...we sometimes do not know where to turn to for comfort... for just a little care....Our friends,  are they really our friends...OR do they have an agenda?????  Are they wolves preying on our naiveness...just waiting to swallow us whole,???.

People,  could we initiate and practice good  change to fill our hearts, mind and soul?? Could we allow  goodness to  take over -at least eliminating a portion of our Human weaknesses- that our hearts, minds, ears and eyes become  more open and compassionate to the call of justice and needs of all the Lazarus es out there in our societies, communities ...even in our own households.?? ....This writer says, -the first step....Practice Sincerity....Do unto others, what you would others  do unto  you....
In this present time..God has more relevance than ever....the Presence of God is a Divine gift, people should hold on to and never let go...this world.... everything  is plastic, dark and so false. Who can we rely on??; who can we trust???? except - the Lord  of Peace-who came out of love and died for love of sinners,like you and me??? ....Now, I do not know about you people, but to this writer, we people of Faith are so blessed because, we could rely on the strength of our God and  His Holy Spirit to lift us up,balance our lives and keep us going.... through good and bad times....When the clothes of Lazarus are thrown at us and we are forced to sit out in the cold.....there He is,  with his blankets and a hot cup of coffee to keep us warm...IF we turn our TRUST to Him, that is....When the doors are closed in our faces.....and we become the Lazarus of this world....He turns on the Lights in His Home and invites us in......And that trust and faith has been the ever-glowing rainbow that brings Heaven down to Earth....for this writer.. Thank You God..

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Howdy Folks!!!

The fun went out of blogging, the moment this writer realises her friends and colleagues already know her identity. She blog to release stress, tensions, to  frame up joyous events or happenings...and very often share her ideals of life, situations   etc... It is more an online diary, a journal of sorts  and comes from her heart. She love to see the different dimension of  things...daily  subjects...Topics and  discussions  -----and transformed them into her version....interpreted in her own way,  the way she understood their significance....perhaps, in the direction, she would have wanted .and then express them into words....makes her feel good...and back on track. But active imagination  and a play of words could sometimes be misconstrued and give the wrong impression especially when the wrappings around the picture frame is no longer intact and you are exposed to the elements of unpredictable weather!   Don't play! Play!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Closely knitted Faith communities

The vision  and mission of setting up   small but  closely knitted christian communities where we hold hands as one is a beautiful inspiration ....A powerful Community Beacon....sculptured to shine upon people of faith ....empowered hope - beaming  out - the word  and  the love of God..... that it reaches out to touch hearts, homes and communities,  binding  families and homes ...that they stand..strong, and united as ONE large extended Christian family.... ..
There is implanted Hope and Faith that small faith communities will actualized into  deep friendships, love, respect, care and  bonding  among members of the same faith community. (within the same neighbourhood) ...that we become brothers, and sisters.... a family in Christ...In happy times...join in the sad times....DEPENDED upon to provide comfort, and the fire that provides warmth...BUT in this writer's opinion, strength must first be cemented; strong seeds planted, thrive well,  take firm roots and allowed to mature in grace and virtue before it could flourish and shine....
The grounds that we stand on is fertile...yet not  really fertiled enough for the seeds of hope and new direction to spring up and thrive on its own...They will  need plenty of  manure, tender care and nurturing,, daily doses of water, weeding, moulding.....that it develops into a healthy and beautiful garden of love.............that it brings forth beautiful and bountiful harvest.....
Today, our world is full of distractions , job commitments, family commitments and oh so many stresses and anxieties, financial etc..etc..  ----Young, Old..successful, underprivileged.......we have all in one way or another found it  difficult  to fulfil our daily  obligations......religious obligations... rendering  service to God.....For one reason or another, we found it laborious  working on this garden of love and bond as one community .....We each have our own commitments and time constraints etc....etc...We find it easier to follow the old doctrines...where being faithful, and very much defined around the church building itself, family and our own circle of selects. But People of Faith is the Church of Christ itself . "When, two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be."   
At this time of widespread natural disasters and  calamities is as though Someone up there is telling us to light our lamps and keep ready for the bridegroom's coming...
Today's hymn sung during many pray to God, and yet have so much hatred in their many professed to love God and yet........does so many things contrary to the will of God??? Our human tongues are dangerous weapons and could really be lethal sometimes..., Do we ever wonder how much we hurt others, caused sufferings to others,  through senseless wagging of tongues???? Cheating, deceiving, the way we treat the poor and the needy ........the Lord says,  He will not forget the actions of those who intentionally hurt their less privileged fellowmen.   Humans, that we are....we pray for more giving hearts...we pray for more goodness and devotion to the will of God....we pray for more love to flourish....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Joy of Moon Lanterns

Marie love lanterns!  Butterfly and Rain bow coloured; especially  the round balls of lights   popping up and down as the kiddos parade around the garden..creating their own little fairyland of lights . What a joy  to see them enjoying the simple pleasures of life, the lanterns, young parents fussing around their kids......sounds of playful shrieks and screams -all the hee hee! ha! ha! ha! ,  the coaxing, the carefullllllllll. (that 's from the parents) .. do you smell something burning??? (that's from the grandmas' camp) ......Oh Dear! it's one of the  pretty lanterns and it had just breathe its last !!!! Now....where is the leader of the evening...the little uncle??? the oldest child always gets the honour to lead the merry band  of festivers! No , not quite  the moon cake  festival. yet......but the joy, the love and   the season of lanterns are already in the air....My siblings held a little get-together for the kids last night and... the kids loved it ! And , of course .it brought back fond memories of this writer's own lantern days.....
Us,kids of yesteryears go for tin lanterns (made from discarded Milo and milk tins, pasted with our own preference of  water colours ) ..... finger sized colourful candles, which does not blow out easily, long lasting.....and the blaze of  lights that shone through the strips we cut around the tins  gave out quite a glow!! Ten, twenty , thirty kids and you have a magical  ring of lights and merry laughters! In the dark of  night , that is quite  a sight to behold! Ah! those were the days....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lesson in working life

Giving your best , your 200% does not gain you recognition nor appreciation. Having the skills and the ability to share sweets with your boss; DOES...pleasing your boss, probably will gain you  more leverage in your employment journey, than anything else. Skills, dedication,qualifications, even loyalty  are secondary-inferior qualities, bah! But people, do not sell your soul.....know your limits and of course your rights!!!

Bosses, being appreciative of your dedicated staff does you no harm, but increases your harvest in the long run! You need two hands to clap BUT in an organisation, you need multiple hands to clap to the tune of your organisational goals and vision!! And Good People are your greatest assets!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A lovely scene

Marie was having her dinner at the local kopitiam, when she noticed  a couple sitting some distance  away-..the lady sat with her back to this writer and the man, facing her. Vegetarians, by the look of it, -the lady was wearing big black Buddhist beads on both hands and around  her neck.From the back she looked rather hunched and old...skinny -down to skin and bones ...very dry skin...The man on the other hand was cheery looking, gentle, and quite a looker!

They ordered vegetarian noodles..... Soon a steaming bowl of noodles was placed in front of the woman and as she tried to pull it closer, the man, whispered something and with a very gentle smile......stood up , lifted the  bowl of noodles and placed it in front of  her.....she was soon enjoying her meal, watched over very indulgently by this gentleman.....Then the noodles for the man was fried  noodles -with rich black sauce. He looked at it.....again the gentle smile, persuasive whisper , and he placed his  freshly fried noodles in front of this lady and took over her half eaten bowl of noodles and began slurping in....

When the lady, could not finish her fried noodles, he took over from her.....yumming in,  without so much of a second thought Wow! is this love or what???? This writer has had her fair share of romantic  and loving moments in life but really this is extraordinary!

Now curiosity starts biting....this  writer,  she was determined to mirror in on this mysterious lady's face- young, old, pretty or plain???. But she need not fret because at that moment, both finished their meal and the lady got up and headed towards this writer- full facial front!   Yes sir!  What a scoop!

Her first impression was.......aiyah ! so  mousy looking,  "grandma what big  hideous black rings around your big round eyes!" ..... almost too big for her small skinny elfin face..almost too plain , without a touch of make up..... For an moment,, she could not believe it- my goodness!  such looks.....and she could command such attention from her companion..he behaved .....ya, as if he was escorting the Queen of England....he appeared so proud of her! There was this aura of ....yes, love in the air!  Mama Mia! It was raining- showers of love petals!!!!!....Beauty certainly lies in the eyes of the beholder! ..This writer was so touched and amazed by what she witnessed, green even.......she really must share it with the world..........Hey! you really do not need beauty.....if a man loves could look like a bulldog and yet you will still be queen of his heart ...and shine like the most beautiful star in his eyes......People! Marie is humbled!  Beautiful Love still exist !

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

The Prodigal son has been this blogger's   favourite story and  quote for a long as she could remember, but it was always  focused on the forgiving Father who welcomes back his ungrateful son....with such joy...despite  hurts suffered.

To be perfectly honest, this blogger had always  dismissed the elder son as some jealous individual who do not deserve any second thoughts or mention. But,  it just occurred to this  writer, that there is a resemblance of the elder son in  many,among us....  people who felt, they were  good yet  not appreciated in life???? Those of us who sometimes curse and swear because the bad fellows were getting the best deal in life, while they/us, the good, are left behind....   picking up the left overs.......???? Yes, there is certainly -the elder son in all of us, especially the feelings of bitterness and rejection...when we were overwhelmed by the seemingly injustices in life...overlooked and ignored by loved ones.....hurt by the actions of evil doers.. even people  we care for.......victimized by those who stalk us......What about ...those who did their best to reach out to individuals and having their good intentions totally misunderstood..., receiving slaps instead of thanks...etc...etc...just so many "elder brother" instances and happenings in our's  unbelievable!

To Marie,  the prodigal son accentuates love and ever flowing forgiveness, of the Father, and that itself glorifies the great love of God, for mankind...but the younger son also represents the sinful side of our human nature....The good God knows and accept our sinful state and is more than willing to forgive our weakness....all it needs is for us to acknowledge Him in whatever we keep Him in our sight and the  doors of heaven remains open to us...." forgiveness" and your sins will be forgiven.......The door to Reconciliation is always kept open, it is up to us to CHANGE for the better-turn over a new leaf and live a life pleasing to the Father.....
Creating an awareness for Gratitude in life, especially in the face of  good things, our elders try so hard to provide us, deserves mention,  Folks how about a a round of  applause ...  to the   calls  to   filial hearts...... God is Centre of our lives , the root of our religion, belief  and Being but Church is also about creating awareness, touching and opening the hearts of our young to  the sacrifices and  love of their parents  .....yes, their old man and old lady of the house...people who had worked so hard for their  happiness. ...and their future. Let the goodness of religion, mould the character of our children ...Let their eyes and hearts be opened to our love and let understanding fill their minds.....and they in turn pass on the good values and morals to their own off springs, and receive  due love and respect in return...let the legacy live on.!....!. Then surely, our families and our world will radiate with peace and happiness and hope lives on for the Human Race.....Church,  Love , they certainly play a great part in shaping lives, creating filial  awareness and forging unbreakable ties among parents , their children and our God above.  March on Christian Soldiers of God!

Friday, September 10, 2010

This blogger is on a diet. She was at this lovely fellowship.There was this nice little birthday cake and she was all for a tinie weenie  bite of sweet deliciousness when a voice, sounding very much like conscience rang out ....not for the overweight...not for the overweight ....gosh and she was a hefty 70kg! That's heavy enough  for a five foot four, with plenty of spare tyres all around! Sigh!

Today, she was craving for some delicacies, not your usual everyday pickings..but...its the holiday mood for all and sundry- so close door baby! Catch up on sleep and old movies .......Life sure could'nt  get more relaxing......  but ...She would rather be in some exotic place drinking in nature and the cool air! That would be life! Well, not everyday, just for the holidays!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Day to Honour the Holy Mother

So fresh the flowers that  adorn the Holy Mother  today...its very freshness, so sweet, its breathtaking! Marie could almost see the smile on those flowers as they proudly stood in adoration! Happy Birthday and thank you for the Blessed Rosary, a treasure to touch and  to hold, yes, reminding us to pray and keep our faith whole!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Answer

Marie picked up the Bible this morning and her eyes fell upon this passage and it says...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways  acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths, be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. Proverbs 3: 3-8 

Truth was, Marie was searching for an answer to a very personal anxiety and there it  was ....the answer ! Amazing and she says it again, Amazing! Wow! Goose bumps!
Absolutely Beautiful! The wisdom that flows from the Book of Life! Truly! it is an amazing book from which flows  rivers of knowledge and teachings!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Healing Grace

It was,  such a boxed in traffic Friday,, what with an accident on the highway, involving a number of cars and  Marie was literally crying out...move it, move..but wonder never ceased, she still made it for Holy Hour!  That's the miracle of having a highway conversation with God. Traffic jams are not all that bad, that could be your  private moments with the God who watches over you!

So many things, we shared, so many words were spoken, but for Marie, the Healing prayer holds significance, because it was a total prayer, covering the needs of normal, living beings like us, all  those with needs, all of us who longs for the touch of grace....Surrendering to the Lord, all our pains and sorrows, somewhat gets the heavy weight off the shoulders.....yes, people, it unburden....drop off your thrash  and your entire being lightens. Somehow, you feel the shine of  smiley sunshine seeping into your being.....Holy Hour, it is an hour of  very personal moments with the Power of Love...God Himself! Come! let us value this blessed time given us....God Bless!