Thursday, September 16, 2010

Joy of Moon Lanterns

Marie love lanterns!  Butterfly and Rain bow coloured; especially  the round balls of lights   popping up and down as the kiddos parade around the garden..creating their own little fairyland of lights . What a joy  to see them enjoying the simple pleasures of life, the lanterns, young parents fussing around their kids......sounds of playful shrieks and screams -all the hee hee! ha! ha! ha! ,  the coaxing, the carefullllllllll. (that 's from the parents) .. do you smell something burning??? (that's from the grandmas' camp) ......Oh Dear! it's one of the  pretty lanterns and it had just breathe its last !!!! Now....where is the leader of the evening...the little uncle??? the oldest child always gets the honour to lead the merry band  of festivers! No , not quite  the moon cake  festival. yet......but the joy, the love and   the season of lanterns are already in the air....My siblings held a little get-together for the kids last night and... the kids loved it ! And , of course .it brought back fond memories of this writer's own lantern days.....
Us,kids of yesteryears go for tin lanterns (made from discarded Milo and milk tins, pasted with our own preference of  water colours ) ..... finger sized colourful candles, which does not blow out easily, long lasting.....and the blaze of  lights that shone through the strips we cut around the tins  gave out quite a glow!! Ten, twenty , thirty kids and you have a magical  ring of lights and merry laughters! In the dark of  night , that is quite  a sight to behold! Ah! those were the days....

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