Monday, September 13, 2010

A lovely scene

Marie was having her dinner at the local kopitiam, when she noticed  a couple sitting some distance  away-..the lady sat with her back to this writer and the man, facing her. Vegetarians, by the look of it, -the lady was wearing big black Buddhist beads on both hands and around  her neck.From the back she looked rather hunched and old...skinny -down to skin and bones ...very dry skin...The man on the other hand was cheery looking, gentle, and quite a looker!

They ordered vegetarian noodles..... Soon a steaming bowl of noodles was placed in front of the woman and as she tried to pull it closer, the man, whispered something and with a very gentle smile......stood up , lifted the  bowl of noodles and placed it in front of  her.....she was soon enjoying her meal, watched over very indulgently by this gentleman.....Then the noodles for the man was fried  noodles -with rich black sauce. He looked at it.....again the gentle smile, persuasive whisper , and he placed his  freshly fried noodles in front of this lady and took over her half eaten bowl of noodles and began slurping in....

When the lady, could not finish her fried noodles, he took over from her.....yumming in,  without so much of a second thought Wow! is this love or what???? This writer has had her fair share of romantic  and loving moments in life but really this is extraordinary!

Now curiosity starts biting....this  writer,  she was determined to mirror in on this mysterious lady's face- young, old, pretty or plain???. But she need not fret because at that moment, both finished their meal and the lady got up and headed towards this writer- full facial front!   Yes sir!  What a scoop!

Her first impression was.......aiyah ! so  mousy looking,  "grandma what big  hideous black rings around your big round eyes!" ..... almost too big for her small skinny elfin face..almost too plain , without a touch of make up..... For an moment,, she could not believe it- my goodness!  such looks.....and she could command such attention from her companion..he behaved .....ya, as if he was escorting the Queen of England....he appeared so proud of her! There was this aura of ....yes, love in the air!  Mama Mia! It was raining- showers of love petals!!!!!....Beauty certainly lies in the eyes of the beholder! ..This writer was so touched and amazed by what she witnessed, green even.......she really must share it with the world..........Hey! you really do not need beauty.....if a man loves could look like a bulldog and yet you will still be queen of his heart ...and shine like the most beautiful star in his eyes......People! Marie is humbled!  Beautiful Love still exist !

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