Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lazarus and the Rich man -St Anne's PKlg

How many Lazarus among us crying out for crumbs and scraps that fell off the tables of rich men and never got them! (Open your minds, people...crumbs, scraps.., food  to feed the hungry stomach -sure.... but they could jolly well refer to hunger and want of love, of care, justice, be fair...or just plain attention!!!!! as well...)  Our eyes and ears are very often closed to the plight of the needy and marginalised...and if we were the less often does people hear our cries for that matter???

Hey, folks! How many  hard working poor  worked their lives away, only to have whatever credits due to them stolen by the rich....they never got their fair share of the rewards and while they remained at their level, or even poorer, the pockets of the rich got heavier and more bulky! Sad but true.. So, "Rich men"  out there initiate change! Think -a fair amount of giving and sharing...think a little happiness for others...

And yet how many Lazarus out there are being exploited of their intelligence and talents by so call friends, or beneficiaries ......but these people turned out to be "rich men"  instead....The world is full of robbers, self righteous judges, actors and wolves in sheeps' clothings......who are we to trust ????? Why, we even bite our own tongue sometimes.....and believe it or not even loved ones could be your tormentors....we have read enough of such horror stories in the media, have we not????? Husbands stealing from  wives so that they could set up home with another woman or simply sell the Chasity of their wives for money.....Fathers, yes, fathers....attacking their own flesh and blood for sexual gratification.....hey, we have also so called "mothers" as well ....abusing their children ...or failing to stop their partners from hurting their own children.. they would rather, their children were killed, rather than lose their wicked partners....... How many Lazarus images staring from the faces of old folks, abandoned by their heartless children....pushed into the shadows many,  many Lazarus situations our societies, our own many Lazarus .crying out for help....The world is full of injustices, deceit and mirages... selfishness...we sometimes do not know where to turn to for comfort... for just a little care....Our friends,  are they really our friends...OR do they have an agenda?????  Are they wolves preying on our naiveness...just waiting to swallow us whole,???.

People,  could we initiate and practice good  change to fill our hearts, mind and soul?? Could we allow  goodness to  take over -at least eliminating a portion of our Human weaknesses- that our hearts, minds, ears and eyes become  more open and compassionate to the call of justice and needs of all the Lazarus es out there in our societies, communities ...even in our own households.?? ....This writer says, -the first step....Practice Sincerity....Do unto others, what you would others  do unto  you....
In this present time..God has more relevance than ever....the Presence of God is a Divine gift, people should hold on to and never let go...this world.... everything  is plastic, dark and so false. Who can we rely on??; who can we trust???? except - the Lord  of Peace-who came out of love and died for love of sinners,like you and me??? ....Now, I do not know about you people, but to this writer, we people of Faith are so blessed because, we could rely on the strength of our God and  His Holy Spirit to lift us up,balance our lives and keep us going.... through good and bad times....When the clothes of Lazarus are thrown at us and we are forced to sit out in the cold.....there He is,  with his blankets and a hot cup of coffee to keep us warm...IF we turn our TRUST to Him, that is....When the doors are closed in our faces.....and we become the Lazarus of this world....He turns on the Lights in His Home and invites us in......And that trust and faith has been the ever-glowing rainbow that brings Heaven down to Earth....for this writer.. Thank You God..

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