Sunday, November 14, 2010


{The Lord Almighty says, "the day is coming when all proud and evil people will burn like straw. On that day, they will burn up and there will be nothing left of them. But for you who obey me, my saving power will rise on you like the sun and bring healing like the sun's ray. You will be as free and happy as calves let out of a stall. On the day when I act, you will overcome the wicked, and they will be like dust under your feet}. From the book of Malachi: 4.

These words  - the   promise of God's justice on the evil and the wicked ...that they become  dust...vapourising into nothing .....It is a warning...yet it's  like a very warm pair of arms holding the abused and victimized-close.....very close, whispering  comfort and solace to hearts maliciously thrashed and stabbed by the wickedness of others.... Wipe your tears, the Lord God sees all.....Evil doers will not escape the wrath of God....that's God's promise. We, the people of this Universe, irrespective, who we are....whatever our status , we are all accountable for our deeds......the faithful and the good will receive their rewards.. and the evildoers will burnt to naught!

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