Sunday, November 21, 2010

The House of God

The  house of God, it is such a beautiful, sacred  place of refuge for a weary traveller, burden down by the daily trials and tribulations, the anxieties and the cares of daily living.....when the heart has misgivings and the paths obstructed by clouds of  confusion, and fear ....., when the road narrowed and fade into nothingnesss...and we do not know which direction to take....the dwelling place of God, becomes a sanctuary where divine clarity and peace, shines upon the faithful, who comes in faith to seek direction and place their trust in Him, our God and Father in heaven...

This writer sees the day of devotion,worship, praise -celebrating of the Eucharist as a re bonding and strengthening of our ties with the loving Father, our God. It is a time of detoxification....flushing out- the doubts,  the denial, the sinfulness. It is a day of grace and reassurance that we have a God and he watches over us....A rejuvenation of faith- a weekly family  reunion  - a joyous home-coming to the  Father's house and it always, always, gives her a very warm glow in her heart, not to mention nutrition to continue journeying.....

Friends, are you weary and tired and just want a shoulder to lean on?? This writer, she had been there before and the house of God, had always welcomed her and given her the comfort and the strength. Placing God in the centre of our lives, helps balance life's living, and somehow, night moves on into day, faster than you could imagine! PEOPLE!  FACT IS.....LIFE IS NEVER FAIR; IT IS GOD WHO MAKES THE DIFFERENCE....IT IS GOD WHO MAKES  LIFE WORTH LIVING AND PAVE THE WAY FOR US TO JOURNEY ON... 

The House of God, His Presence! A most comfortable shoulder to lean on indeed! It is here, you could pour out whatever you have in your heart and never, ever be slighted! Believe me!

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