Monday, November 22, 2010

Hate Traffic Jams!!

Recently, the weather had turned crazy, dark clouds, torrential rain and floods everywhere . If there is no rain, the sun would be so blazing hot, you just want to shut yourself inside the house, stay in behind heavy curtains....until, the rays loses its biting heat. Travelling to and fro highways, in such unpredictable weather is a battle....Yours Truly does not drive an auto, she has a lovable manual and it is an absolute ahhhhdoi all the way.... brakes, clutch......her feet cries for mercy....whenever there is a massive traffic jam know the type that locks in the traffic and you have to play the balancing act....

To stay ahead, one needs precise and calculated actions, an alert mind, a little foresight to anticipate movement stay ahead of the bottled up action, grap any opportunities you can is a survival of the fittest out there , A quick  ....out.. and a fast zoom into  a moving lane OoooR....... you could be like Yours Truly, when she finds herself boxed in, she would slowly inch out much to the annoyance of other sleeker and more macho drivers....There would be an instant Blarrrrrrrr! Poohhhrrrrr.poohhorrrr!!!!and she would raise an apologetic hand and mouthed a "sorry, sorry, sorry!!" across...Ladies would show a very sour face...and the men??? normally with a non too polite gesture.....Care two hoots.......It is a matter of , do something and you get moving ....stay passive and you  get stuck there for donkey years. Now, If only, she has a Chitty Chitty Bang! Bang! you know the little magical car that flies, she would zipped up and zoomed above each and everyone of them   and roar ahead of the whole crazy mass of mechanical tin cans!  Times like these, it would be  great to be a witch, in possesion of one of those wickedly powerful sweep and the whole highway is clean....clear......Man!...what bliss....lording down the highway ...

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