Sunday, December 26, 2010

Honour Thy Father & Mother

Also known as "The Book of Sirach."

Children listen to me, for I am your father, do what I tell you and so be safe; for the Lord honours the father above his children and upholds the rights of a mother over her sons..Whoever respects a father expiates sins, whoever honours a mother is like someone amassing a fortune.

Whoever respects a father will in turn be happy with children;the day he prays for help for he will he heard. Long life comes to anyone who honours a father, whoever obeys the Lord makes a mother happy. Such a one serves parents as also the Lord. Respect your father in deed as well as word, so that blessing may come on you from him since a father's blessings makes his children's house firm, while a mother's curse tears up its foundation.

Do not make a boast of disgrace overtaking your father, your father's disgrace reflects no honour on you, for a person's own honour derives from the respect shown to his father and a mother held in dishonour is a reproach to his children.

My child, support your father in his old age, do not grieve him during his life. Even if his mind should fail, show him sympathy, do not despise him in your health and strength; for kindness to a father will not be forgotten but will serve as reparation for your sins.On your own day of ordeal, God will remember you: like frost in sunshine, your sins will melt away, Whoever deserts a father is no better than a blasphemer, and whoever distresses a mother is accursed of the Lord.

Sirach 3

Nothing is more beautiful than wisdom from the Book of Life....this writer finds  glorious light beaming out from  the very pages of the living book, because the words and teachings contained within , is timeless -without a season, growing and gaining in value as time advances...One- may be a baby now.....but One day, the baby will become an adult and he will become a parent himself. # Did he give due respect, honour and love to his parents to deserve the good blessings that come from being a parent, himself???

Keeping  and observing  the wisdom of God's teachings, brings solid  kins-ship, and loving relationship is built and preserved,  good family bonds and ties are fostered...and  the institution of marriage and family -strong and firm, ultimately, the gift of   peace and serenity.

May this writer also add :- When one has inner peace and strong family values and ties..he stands on solid grounds  and  he  has the capacity to share his peace, instil good values to his own family..and in turn build meaningful relationship with others around him...his friends, associates etc...The blessings of the Holy Family be with you, folks! KEEP FAITH!!!

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