Friday, December 17, 2010

Year End Spring Clean

A week long spring cleaning ***pre-Christmas gift*** from the bosses, it was, at YT's work place-
The  Autumn Roses  worked hard, real hard..but five days into the task there is still a mountain to clear. The Spring blossoms were cool as cucumber, but they are warming up fast and certainly adding to the fun!

Yesterday, .....when the limbs were nimble and flexi active ...this Autumn Rose could practically bounce up and down effortlessly, stretch like Elastic man ...what's the problem?? Just-A, and B, and creaking of bones no aches...wink of an eye and all was done.......but the last few days....what bounces and rebounces were groans and aiyoh! aiyoh.. ayiyakkkk.....echoing around the office walls......sigh!..... somehow, the bones needed oiling, re-adjustment, and re-alignment after each bending and squatting session....Even getting up from the floor is a...chore.....Now she know....what  means the words...., the spirit is willing but the body and bones groans... and protests!!!!

Good thing, there is  de-stressing therapy  called " mumbles and grumbles: ... ...ah! how clean and fresh the inside feels after each series of gun rattling.....

What she needs is a gadget which fully comprehends her mind...sorts, labels, dust, cleans  and put everything in order without her getting into physical mode...  Yah, cleans and sanitized the air -no dust odour ...... 100% Mind control ... mind crystallising wants......So what  say  you Santa????... Still Working on that one...???? Then bring on Samantha, the good witch, two and three....twitches of her nose and viola! it is done!

Merry Christmas Boss!!!!!

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