Sunday, December 19, 2010

Season of Advent

Let the Lord enter! He is King of Glory!! (Psalm 23)

Indeed! and He is Everything that lights up this universe! Open your hearts, let the good Lord enter  and fill you/us with the gift of peace....and everything good. Doesn't the very thought of  Peace filling us , add joy to this season of Advent???

Christmas...the story of God's promise holding the form of a little innocent baby-Emmanuel...Jesus, the Christ...
bringing God into our midst and  our lives.......the trusting faith of  a virgin maiden who consented to God's call............ with that act of faith ...the never ending light and hope into the lives of mankind.....It is about re-conciliation with God,  the grace of belonging to His  household and  the precious right to call the power of Love  and Creation--our God and Father.

It is the joy of remembering that great promise and love of God..which makes Advent -a season of joy, peace and grace.....  actioning love and care for others........doing charitable works...a season of forgiveness and reconciliation.  Yes....It is  certainly a season of giving... making an effort to give happiness and joy to ...those less fortunate than us....

As Christmas draws near and we prepare to celebrate  and feast, .. Folks....let us pause and pray for those in war torn countries.....the homeless and the sick.....they who are grateful for JUST  a simple meal and roof over their heads....JUST  PEACE in their lives....

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