Saturday, January 8, 2011

Good Spices

Yours Truly was catching up on her reading when she came across, an Q & A  interview  article -  two people  had written a book about taking the soul to work......the importance of  liking your job and how to rise up to the challenges of stress and toxins from the work place.... and she thought,...yes, that is relevant......the nine  crippling toxins that exists in every work environment....., the envy, the jealousy , the anger, the greed.....rising to other cancers   and it sort of churn her own  thoughts .....

In her own journey through the corporate corridor, she has had her fair share of  envy, jealousy and maliciousness thrown  her way......but she was fortunate,....she had wonderful supportive friends and  associates  who constantly motivated and uplift her; her bosses thought well of her and had always stood as mountains behind her and nasties were often defused and thwarted before, they got out of hand and for that she had always been grateful. She gives credit to the Ever Seeing Power from  above . But she had also seen many  promising  careers  destroyed when envy strikes....Out of jealousy , and greed.......maliciousness reared  its ugly head.... The  envious person-became a poisonous aggressor - going all out for the killing blow.... slander, sabotage , you name it.... placing all sorts of  obstacles in the path of the victim.....others would be "persuaded" to turn cold shoulders on the victim,with clear  intent of driving that subject out of the organisation...sometimes even the bosses were convinced....why? because the victim, unable to swallow the injustice and bad treatment.....lashes out and fall head long into the deep pit dug by the aggressor, leaving her no choice but to make an exit. Exactly what the aggressor wants!

But, YT also came  across "victims" who rose to the challenge ....ultimately taming the aggressor, even wining his friendship....As she read the article, her mind goes back to those occasions when "victims" became the victor and yes,  they were always people who were on the right track, maintain decency, self control, always well prepared and on ready mode .....they go about their business full of confidence and .......always with a smile on their faces....Good spices for  2011,  ya, perhaps,YT will add some of those uplifting   spices into  the food she cooks to bring the vitalising  flavours and oomph  . back .into her autumn career....And If you are thinking of doing the same, folks,  remember to add in  the Most Important Ingredient....God ...That way, you will not only do well but have peace as well.... Oh yes! Brush up your skills..and tone up  your As and Qs!!

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