Sunday, January 9, 2011

No to Wedding Pics in the Nude

Weddings and marriage  are meant for keeps.. Once in a life time experience...That was how we were brought up to believe. Wedding pics were often demure and classic, meant to last a life time and beyond as memories.....

Over the years...couples got more adventurous and they had come up with  some very flashy Bollywood and Hongkong style photographs and they were so pretty too...No complaints there.....

Now, they are talking about naked display on picture frames to remember their big day???! Unbelievable but so happening now! What would they do- if ten, fifteen years down the  road and their sons and daughters were to pick up their "memorable wedding photos" and see their parents in such exotic poses????. My,  sexy ***********  Ma/Pa! Or their friends for that matter...chanced upon  those pics and pass some very saucy remarks......How would that child of theirs feel????And there goes their self respect...and the dignity of their hapless children....This is so not wise...and who knows what elements might hit  them  later on in life just because of that foolish act?????? ...Perhaps this writer is awfully old fashion, but to her.....what is private should be kept private!!!

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