Sunday, January 23, 2011

John Paul II-Beatification-May 1

To a very good friend of this writer, John Paul II is already a saint. Unbelieving and nobody  believes her too, when she shared how he reached out to her..on the very day, God took him home was a particularly dark day for her, she was sick, and had been for some time  etc...etc... , that day, not knowing that  he had passed on, in fact there was not even a trace of  thought about this man in her mind...but she remembers, a very strong urge to get into the Internet and she did just that...and there splash across the screen...the image of this man of God lying there , with such peace on his face, surrounded by the thousands who had gathered to mourn his passing on...As she gazed at his image, she had the odd feeling she was physically there among the thousands of mourners...And suddenly she was weeping though her heart was breaking to pieces...she was in a state of deep though this man was a loved one...Really she does not know much about this man except  perhaps when others mentioned his name...or when his pictures splashed across the media...but she had read a book or was it an article ???? by this man,  Pope John Paul II, the leader of the Catholic community...Which was which???....She does not remember......but the contents  was about the Holy Spirit of God...the divine presence of the Holy Spirit of God in this current sphere of time....she read it and it had a profound effect on her,  ....but to continue the strange sharing.....Something extra-ordinary happened on that day, this very sick lady felt and heard a inner voice telling her to seek out the power of the Holy Spirit for her healing...That evening, she was drawn to visit a catholic church....mass was on...... One of the parishioners was passing a pamphlet  and the topic???? A Seminar of the  Holy Spirit which was to be held in another church premise the next day- two complete days...She was invited to attend........She went , there was a healing session....she felt the dark clouds dispersing....and  that was the start of her journey to recovery....
Somehow, even in that moment of his passing on...or rather when he had already passed on....John Paul II had managed to continue doing God's work...glorifying God.... reaching out to those in great need of God's love and healing. reminding and urging the sick and those whose strength were failing them, to seek out  the Divine Mercy - the Power of the Holy Spirit of God.... the Ultimate  Healing Power!!!!.....
Is that Possible???You decide People!!!!

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