Saturday, May 28, 2011

Alleluia ! It was indeed a joyous and soul provoking celebrations  this evening! Truly, one has to love God first before   true love could genuinely flow for others in our lives......The Lord says in John14  "whoever keeps my commandments is the one who loves me and if he loves me, he will also be loved by my Father; I too shall love him and show myself clearly to him"...and...I will not leave you orphans..I am coming to you....I will ask the Father and He will give you another counsellor..

We are not alone in our journey, the Lord travels with us.....the Spirit of  Truth guiding and counselling us in our hour of uncertainty  and doubts.....the past weeks and month had been havoc, busy , educational .... fun even...she was also inspired ......unfortunately, that  was also a month  she was spiritually challenged and troubled. and so tested.......
To God she had turned and to God she had bared her soul.......surely, He would not let her be tested beyond her endurance....
Amazingly..,and God be praised! Peace returns.....this evening....the hymns picked for the mass celebrations brought the Spirit of God so closed and with His presence -serene healing grace. Peace and Calm..You are indeed the utmost grace that showers serenity , tranquility , the stillness-  allowing us  to  hear the caring voice of our Lord God.. and know that He is with us...

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