Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sharing of Bread

In the gospel of Luke 24:13-35....two  disciples were going to Emmaus... wondering  at all that had happened...when the Risen Lord came and began walking with them... explaining the scriptures to them, ....but they did not recognise them... until ,  He took bread, blessed it and gave it to them...and their eyes were opened and they recognised Him in the breaking of the bread..........

This  act..... the breaking of bread and offering it to the disciples.... to Marie, .it signifies  a sharing of life...., a showering of strength and a renewal of faith....and the certain presence  of the Lord  in every Eucharistic celebrations.... He is Arisen, but  His Spirit remains very much  with us. Marie believes that  when the priest holds up the bread and blessed it,  the Holy Spirit comes and fills the  unleavened bread and it becomes the body and blood of our Lord Jesus....and whoever partakes of this bread of life healed and renewed...and has the breath of life breathe into him again...
How many of us recognise the presence of the Lord in our lives????How many times, the Lord walked with us, carrying us over rough and troubled patches in our lives and we did not recognise His presence...nor appreciate his many times, He hasten to our side, when we cry out to Him and yet , despite our cries.....we rejected His life-line....we were too busy hanging on for dear life..the fragile tree stump hanging on the cliff front, .....ignoring the strong ropes, of survival....He sends.
The thing about us humans,  even in our darkest moments, we could still  be very demanding and want every thing our way..........often...... very often, when grace comes..........our eyes do not see....and we push it away from us.
Look to the  bread of life, those of us who wishes to experience God......partake of it frequently that our eyes may be opened that we may see.....draw strength and acknowledge the Lord's  Divine Presence in our lives...It makes a tremendous difference.....believe me.

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