Saturday, October 29, 2011

BEC Potluck Night

People! The Rosary month of Oct officially closes and it  was veg. pot luck  night for BEC- Bandar Puteri Klang..

Heartfelt acknowledgments, thank you and appreciative words  from the BEC coordinator, Bro. Steven Raj bringing huge smiles to the faces of all who had gathered. Yes the community, especially the committee members, really put in a great deal of effort, to build an atmosphere of  one family community in Bandar Puteri..Klang

Uncle Steven, Wait, wait,
announce after I put away
the books.
Peace brethren!
Then  came the announcements, BEC meetings, activities.... .(shhh..for the ears of BEC members only) , oh yes, we bade goodbye to  brother Nicholas who is  moving to another State to assume new responsibilities. And then- the moment to dig in but not before grace was said  and the food blessed.  Such a lovely spread of goodies.. colourful yummy fruit jellies, fruit salads...curries, noodles, spring hoppers, cakes....extra...extra.....not only good to look at but tasted great as well....... it was so difficult not to go back for second and third helpings!  YT literally had to pinch her hand to stop it reaching out for more...that would be the fourth helping!! .  Time to go...she half turned her back but the corner of her eyes picked up the shape of pink coconut candies....Used to love that as a child...It was literally calling out to me, eat me...and so she did. With so much of food everywhere , how not to get fat???

It was a great night, BEC Bandar Puteri Klang, we did great! 

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