Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Eucharistic Responses

This is the third week , since the  new Roman Missal  was introduced. Surprisingly,  it wasn’t as tough as this Writer thought it was.. She is actually adapting  quite well to the changes , huge thanks to the power point guide during mass. Incline neck (neck bow)  and  full bow (from the waist) are getting more synergised-   the  tangled mass of  mixed up  nods, bows and confusion plus the   annoyance of self lacking were no more. Even the explanations to the changes   sounded more  interesting  and has become a  source of  good knowledge. Guess, It was just the mindset thing.  Unclogged and pour in some flexibility and  the engine purrs on smoothly.  The faster we adopt, the better we learn and the earlier, it blends into routine. 

Of  course it tickles the resistance into submission, knowing that  priests have  more learning to do than lay people. So if we stumble over the terms and acts of reverence, they stumble  as well -initially of course. Priests  are as much humans as we are but then, they  have a way of getting up faster than we lay people. They need to,  because they are shepherds and it is their conviction to teach and  lead .

 Strive on ! March on , Christian soldiers of God!

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