Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love & Presence

It is the intimacy with God that counts  and not the external!! That's today's  beautiful message from our visiting priest Father Albert .

The story of John and David...shared by our good priest, is something that is happening in our everyday lives. There are those who picture success as material , and there are others who finds joy in helping others. And the good moral is that the one who gives and cares for others-finds life more rewarding ultimately.

We are living in a very materialistic world , where the norm is  insatiable wants- the  more and more. Love and the all important  presence is almost always, sidelined, in favour of social and business obligations. People who should matter most,  were pushed  into  the shadows.... They were put last and starved for attention and love.  

Possessions, status, prestige and the $$$$$$$, were often mistaken for happiness. It is utter rubbish , the general notion that so long as  a man provides and puts food on the table, he has fulfilled his obligations. He has forgotten to add in the most important element-love. Far from truth too,  that a man's worth is his material assets and his social standing. Where would he be, without God and the people in his lives??? Can he be an empty shell without his living tissues and  body mass- the important components of his being? Money and security does help it is true, never doubt that, but if  a man chased after these earthy treasures so much that he  forgets the all important essence of living-love  and neglect the people in his lives..... he will only have himself to blame if love deserts him and one fine day, he wakes up to an empty house- a cold empty world  of loneliness.  A man must know his commitment and his responsibilities; but make that complete with  love,  time, presence and attention to the  people in his life as well.  He needs to create and formulate balance. Love motivates more love ...more positive reactions. It keeps relationships and inter-relations in  harmonious evolution .. That is   the wealth that loves gives, life's meaning and substance, peace and happiness from  the beginning, till journey's  end.

Keep the spirit of love alive and living people! 

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