Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Call to serve God

Speak Lord, Thy Servant heareth.
1 Samuel 3:10

A passionate call has rung out for fishers of men. 
Is God calling you? 
Be calm, be still,
Open your ears, your heart!
You who has the calling!

Listen ....Respond!

The team from the Diocese under the shepherd ship of Rev Christopher was at the sunset mass of Our Lady of Lourdes, last evening, with the precious Invite A  new life in Christ.... total devotion to serve both God and His church. Has God called you, as he had Samuel? 

The harvest is great but the labourers are few .....Matt: 9:37

Young People! Do you have that special calling to be fishers of men? Are you one of the special  few chosen to help the Lord tend his sheep and look after his pastures???

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