Sunday, January 8, 2012

Senior Citizen-Christmas & New Year Dinner & Fellowship

Happening Golden Event:
7th January 2012- Time: 8.00p.m.
Community Hall-Our Lady of Lourdes Klang

Welcome, People! 
Some of the Senior Citizen Ministry Committee standing in readiness at the entrance of the hall,  to welcome in their fellow Autumners, for the evening's fun happening-The Senior Citizen-Christmas and New Year -2012 Dinner - A night of good food and  swinging fun!!

Parish priests,deacons and
  invited HRC -SCM guests
Some one is Missing!!!
Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang-  Senior Citizen Ministry (SCM) 's  first major event for the year 2012 - The  Christmas and New Year  Dinner was a roaring success. More than  300 senior members of  the parish, together with Parish Priests, deacons and invitees ,  attended the much awaited event. Popular priest, Father Surain, opened the event with  appreciative words, good wishes and motivation for the continued activeness  of  SCM. Later,  Deacon David blessed the food and that threw opened  the evening's celebrations- an abundance of delicious food, entertainment and merriment !.
Myanmar Choir
 Charlie Goh ((Myanmar Ministry)
sporting! Duet??

This year, the SCM  in walking with  the Lord, invited thirty two Myanmar migrants to the event." Come , sit with us and partake of the goodies set out for  the evening"! Seventeen Myanmar children took to the stage and kick start the evening's program, serenading the Seniors to some very catchy Myanmar numbers.... wowing the seniors with their beautiful vocals and gladdening the hearts of all present.
Parents of the Myanmar children 

To the delight of the seniors, the night's  entertainment continued with  popular Elvis hits and evergreen oldies, each number belted out to roars of  approval, claps and whistles from the crowd. Last evening had a crowd of  active, participating young at heart  seniors, singing along with the entertainers, clapping  and   tapping along with the rhythm. Almost gives one the feeling,  that if there were more space, all of them, seniors would be up dancing and  swirling along with the music! Fun!  Spring  was certainly in the  air!
Emcee-Alan Goh 

The Fellowship Dinner was  an eye opener of sorts. Last evening was a show case of golden  talents. It shows that matured is gold indeed, a great powerful mass of invaluable experience, transformed into worth.. In addition,  superb emceeing from our very own Alan Goh of  the RCIA Ministry- there was not a dull moment, the atmosphere was kept  lively right till the end ! Good work! Good work indeed!
What's this on Dato's table? Ah !:
Table Gifts!!

No fellowship dinner can be complete without a lucky draw...and the evening came with plenty of prizes for the lucky attendees. This writer was one of the lucky winners-she was  blessed with a bottle of sparkling juice and boy, did it lit up her face! WOh! Hoh! Peace and Thanks guys!!

Part of the crowd enjoying dinner

It was a wonderful, memorable evening indeed!  SCM, Committee and members, you did great, we did great! Let this  be a start to many, many more lively and happy events for the seniors of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang!!  Our thanks goes out to all for a great night!!
Food, lovely food!
             Anthony T.  Tamil Songs     Mandarin song from the Rev??
Goodies for the tables
Santiago -One for the album

Joe Rozario-local Elvis
Rich golden voice & beautiful music
Anthony Lopez & John Chai

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