Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's Official! ! Rev Michael Chua appointment to OLL, Klang!!

His Grace (HG) Datuk Murphy Pakaim
Two very marvelous happenings at our Lady of Lourdes Klang this evening.  Father Michael Chua was officially appointed parish priest of OLL. The Arch Bishop, HG Datuk Murphy Pakaim  himself was on hand to receive Father Michael 's pledge- accepting his responsibilities as the good Shepherd to the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang. And  we were proud to be witnesses, to this  happy occasion  Rev!!. Congrats !!

The parish was already  honored with  the presence of HG the Arch Bishop;  imagine our pleasure when HG so humbly presided over mass AND  Homily! Simple with no airs around him. Endearing!!. It is not everyday, the parish gets a shower  of wisdom from the Arch Bishop himself  and this day, we were blessed when he so ardently reminded us to keep our faith steadfast through good and not so good times....for is not the  Lord  always with us;?? The  gospel of St Mark recorded the Lord's power and authority over demons. As humans, we are often plagued by  demons created by our own minds, and our own human weaknesses..We need strength, we need healing!!

Upon reflection, this blogger was also reminded of how the Lord  calmed the storm and stilled the seas......Those of us, stricken by any form of chaos and life's struggles..  take heart....find refuge in our Lord God, allow His powers to shower peace and calm upon our life's journey, that peace blesses our every footstep. Is there anyone out there, who had never been  troubled by  journey's  fatigue , weariness and uncertainties ???  We are people of His pastures and His face is inclined towards us.....Therefore take  courage and find confidence, brethren! ...The Lord is  ever ready to embrace us....those who has need of Him and BELIEVES in Him.......   

This Blogger for one appreciates this much needed reminder.It is so  easy to talk about faith, but really, not so easy to keep faith! We require nourishment to nurture, protect and  keep our faith  growing that it does not fall victim to the hot sun which could very well scorched and stifled the life out of our  faith! Brethren, no matter how strong our faith, we remain vulnerable right till the call comes. Constant good food and the waters of life keeps us strong, and capable of fulfilling tasks expected of life's journey!! Keep the light shining bright oh, God!!

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