Saturday, September 22, 2012

Seniors Faith Formation-OLL-Sat 22nd Sept 12



Rev Speaker Father Michael Chua
 Two men looked out from the prision bars, one saw mud and the other stars...Frederick Langbridge

At the chapel OLL 
Now if everyone could see stars and not mud....if everyone could just learn to look up and occasionally gaze upon  the wonders and power of God around them -appreciate ..instead of looking at the dirt and mud at their feet all the time;  if people could learn to keep faith and belief in God  and steadfastly uphold  their hopes ...then it is a certainty that they  could  keep themselves above the  snares of muddy baggages.... keep positive and believing in the amazing and complete goodness of God... Then they will be able to walk their hopes and faith with good purpose....

The very Rev Michael Chua, spoke  about looking at life through the eyes and minds of is all about believing and the power of God to make all things possible.- that no matter what happens, God will never abandon us. He lifts us up. Life is very much about choices and decisions according to the will of God.It is about the ability to see beauty  and blessings beyond the situation and the circumstance.And people of advancing age need to cultivate that ability to appreciate the beauty of Autumn.

Catholic faith formation almost always come
with food-plenty of goodiesfor brunch
How do you do Rev??
When we were young, strength and conviction made us  fearless...the tide seemed to flow in our favour and even if it does not, we could easily rise up to the challenge..after all opportunities abound.but when the greys come creeping in and the figures rapidly multiply,  self confidence and self belief erodes.  Dread and fear invade....people start to fear losing  their once glorious days and with it the many  benefits and resources, that came with it. Like the Rev said, you look in the see wrinkles instead of the clear smoothness of  youth...and despair cries, Oh Mgosh! I'm old and nobody wants me any more!  But then..  age and endings need not necessarily mean disaster...or a total stop of whatever you were previously enjoying. It is just a time for change. With endings, there is always new beginning is how you adapt to the new  beginning , the change that takes place, that  speak for your good health. That guys - will depend very much on your own mental attitude.. do you  want to be walled in or open your mind to other opportunities??? Depends entirely on yourself. Embrace change positively and positiveness will smile upon you! Certainly,  ..people sometimes, need total darkness before they could see the brilliance of the skies... and yes, sometimes, God does shock us into awareness, else our eyes will never be opened to  new paths...Whatever it is, God has a very central position in our lives..if you trust in your Creator...He will ensure that your trust will not be in vain...

Elaine & Mary hard at work
for the next  seniors event on 7th Oct.

Sign up for the treasure hunt and dinner folks!!
At the Registration Table- SCM President
Chacko with his team
YT liked the handy  tools dished out by the speaker -the how to keep away muds  which comes with the seniority of age. That goes into another write up...Let's touch a little on the Solitude thing. Guys, that prickly thing was once a major issue for YT, then, it was negative until she invited God into her space...and started her daily conversations with Him. That was the antidote for the "stand alone" feeling ...solitude in God, and that has become a blessing.... Guess what? Where God is, so will all the angels be...

Loneliness can be an issue for many even though  they keep themselves  busy...because the heart is rather emotional and the mind can create situations... . Like  the Rev said, you fear that giving  up positions of authority, will lose you the control over everyday situation......when in your household- your son or daughter  took over as voice/head  of the household (happens right??) extra...xtra.. .you sort of felt a drain of power...and resistance builds up...denial steps in.... And that sort of situation can get pretty muddy....perhaps you'd slip and find difficulty getting up. But guys, the earlier, you face up to reality and embrace change .....the better, because then, you will be able to channel your energy to other more suitable pathways... Ask yourself-Do you raged about loneliness  but when,  friends rally around, energy fails you, and you just want to be left alone?? You want to do so many things and when people give you the opportunities, you find you are not up to it because your do not have sufficient stamina??? Conflict within self!! Aaah... that's what the tint  of gold does to you.The spirit is still game but the flesh groans..SO, be realistic...

So how to see stars and not mud??? Let's see what the Pope has to say about this issue-  Pope's homily on his 85th birthday...

I find myself myself on the last stretch of my journey in life and I don't know what is awaiting me...I know however that the light of God exist-that He is risen, that His light is stronger than any darkness and that God's goodness is stronger than any evil in this world, and this helps me go forward with a certainty...

Loved that simple declaration ...that's reality  truth  worth trillions...a powerhouse to keep self belief bouncing and  old engines running smoothly. Trust is in God. Old is gold...always remember that...Home?? Not so soon! The end is still not in sight and the road stretches no matter what happens- Autummers- keep fit...keep faith , stay on course and leave the rest to God.

A little mind teaser from the Rev Speaker:-Good chewing gum of the edible kind!! Ask thyself-

  1. What is the mud in my life that keeps me from seeing the stars??
  2. What are the stars that sustains me in this phase of my life???
Start Chewing People!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Beauty of my God

The beauty of  the path I have chosen??? Simple! My Lord and God, He took me into his pasture-though I am poor, weak and a sinner...... He has compassion and  He looked beyond my  wrong doings and welcomed me into His Presence just the way I am.. in my home attire, unkempt appearance...devoid of image paints...the real person of me. He cleanse me and gives me fresh garments...He quench my thirst and nourishes me.......I have no secrets from Him...I do not need to pretend....The most beautiful part?? He sees something good in me...He believes in me and  He loves  and cares for me.

My Lord God? He's with me every second of the day, in my waking hours, in my sleep, even in my dreams...He is  life which sustains me!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Year of Faith, my thoughts

We are moving into the year of Faith, and as I listen to the words of faith, shared by people around the world and those who walk in my own circle...I realise one important factor ...the ultimate & total crux is the realization and acknowledgement that we need God in our lives...He lights up our darkness, paving a pathway of Hope which He transforms  into attainment. Hope must crystallised into actuality, or it becomes wind.There is no need for big words...just the simplicity of loving God...and through that very essence of Love...share it with our fellow beings, through actions , words and deeds, which glorifies God and not SELF. Too  many of us stand on the I-Platform  serving self glorification, claiming to be for God... ...too many of us  call ourselves  Christians , yet emits nothing of what Christianity personifies..........

If you ask YT,....I'd tell you, my greatest sin, is lack of power, lack of fuel to keep my light  unshakably firm engine..smooth and in top form.....the ability to stand  tall and burning bright despite rain, shine or storm-in whatever I do.  My greatest shortcoming  is lack of  sufficient faith,'s like the moon.......Fact is , nothing works if faith does not manifest into total trust and belief in my Maker and Author. I must be able to abandon...leave everything in His Hands...and then just Trust as He leads me...but somehow...the Sarah in me..wants to walk my way...and I guess He just indulges and say..."as you wish child, we'll go your way"...

I look upon the Year of  Faith as a time to re-examine the depth of my own faith and Bible literacy, most important of all- the reason I am in this pasture....(Today I realise...I am here because.....I am one of His own and He calls into His Pasture, His Care and Providence. Speaking for me alone...Methinks He knows, I cannot survive out there on my own...I am just too weak and I lose my direction easily...and He doesn't want me out there in the cold..lost..uncared and unloved and I am just so grateful..) ... One thing for sure faith is nothing unless you are able to steadfastly preserved it..truly believe in its essence...and  you are able to share its tremendous  energy with others to create more believing energy  that your light stands like a beacon for others to find their way back into the pastures and be reunited with their Lord and God. 

In every Faith community, Faith is an ongoing thing...but there is truth in what  one clergy once said......the year of faith has a duty, a responsibility  to the people of the pasture first..evangelise and heal  the lost and the sick within the fold first... strengthen and nurture them with the  good food of Christ, the light of Christ....... understanding  His teachings...impart and instil  good knowledge, that they the servants and the people of God may be filled with  the Spirit, the love, the wisdom, the good  energy, essence and resourcefulness to  lead others back into the Kingdom of God. Can anyone hope to lead the faith  procession, if they themselves were poor in spirit ,health,  trust and  belief in God?? If they do not know for sure who their God is???Can anyone hope to activate  faith in others , if they themselves were not filled with the knowledge and essence of the Word of God??

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ronald Reagan 's Tribute to God

A message sublime...since I received the forwarded  link from my friend Valerie, I have listen to it so many times...........I thought, it would be selfish if I did not share...

I hope you guys will be able to get into the link. I promise you, you will be immensely moved and touched by the sincerity and the TRUTH in  his words (..just relate it to yourself/ourselves ) ....such  love and belief in God , the Maker.   Indeed, we are all here for a purpose and our days belong to Him!! 

Move out of the noise zone and just listen...I promise will pray as I did at the end of this beautiful  tribute...and yes, your own heart will also rise up in appreciation with the realisation that we cannot just rely on our strength alone....we need to get down on our knees  and call  upon the Lord our God to see us through our life time......

Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Outpouring of Love

A Rosary for the Lady
A Parish's love for the Blessed Mother culminated with Rosary at the grotto after  the sunset mass and what a beautiful sight! The beauty is in the people's love, honour and respect for this  wonderful mother , resulting in the large gathering at the grotto. The rosary recited so reverently and solemnly is the very element of the evening's celebrations-the outpouring of  trust and faith which perpetuates .......Ah! the sweet scent of love...

Later, in the sharing of the food. and the blessing..  the very Rev. Parish Priest invited  members of .the Legion of Mary to join in the  cutting of  the giant cake with him. Generously donated by Our Lady's Cake House..(if my ears registered correctly that is) how appropriate!!   And you shall surely be blessed for your generosity many times over!! Mothers always top up love with more love, what's  more the Holy Mother of Generosity!!  And, YT simply love the fried mee hoon! Great taste! Hei! Hei! Let's not forget the contributors of happiness behind the scene...the hard work of many people who laboured to bring on the smiles in you and me!

A birthday song 
The sight of the clergy having moments with his flocks is something..... A mother's job is never done... more so, the work of the Lord's shepherd...and many need calls..

Earlier in the evening, YT wondered at the garden like set up at the grotto... those glorious bougainvillea blooms by the side...were simply and absolutely divine!! It blew my breath away!!Of course, then, the dong in her did not relate it to any celebrations...she just thought it was the innovation thing..later of course..she kicked herself for not carrying her camera with her...those blooms were worth a million words!!

NB: Pictures courtesy of Elaine and Alan Goh
thank you guys and God Bless!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Love and Relationship

At and in the beginning... love-birds can't have enough of each was kisses, kisses & kisses., everyday..After marriage...when the kids come...attention became divided between children and spouse..that's still healthy even if  the kissing became very much less. As the days and years passed by....they'll say -you're already mine and I yours...we see each other everyday...what's there to  chat about anymore..... Pillow talk??? Huh??What's that?? Working day  tomorrow lah...let's just sleep ....

When the little ones have grown and flown the nest....come wrinkles and the sagging flesh...Do I know you -Ah man,? Ah woman ? and they pass the days and years sitting far apart and not a word of endearment between them.  Aiyah! Can't stand that  old @!&!! . and yet once upon a  spring..they could not have enough of each other!! Thirty years ago, a couple of my friends used to eat from the same bowl or plate......but now thirty years down the road...the glue had lost its stickiness, the door-unhinged. What I hear are more .. Yucks! So  unhygienic- get your own plate ah!

What got YT musing??? Well, a religious friend briefly touched on this subject but that was enough  to set off a long  train of thoughts!!

You see such happenings around you...everyday..everywhere and that's one of the main causes of depression among the aged...lack of emotional love and support. People don't speak to them any more...people don't listen to them any know, as equals. It's  more like I talk and you listen!!. Some may be staying with their loved ones....but they are left very much on their own, confined to the's like,water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink. Their voices ceased to be heard....conversation becomes a tip toe...And they say the old are sensitive....Does familiarity  really  breeds contempt? Does  financial dependency lose you, the respect and honour of your loved ones and the people in your circle?? Hei, age is very will catch up with you and pounce upon you , before you know surely will.. And Guys... remember the words of filial piety....."when I was young, you held my hand, now than you are old, let me hold your hand!"

YT had personally seen - high flyers of once upon a time..reduced to  heaps of despondency...because they feel alienated by family and society...and it's all because...age caught up with them and their usefulness and functionality becomes a question...

YT says, it's a bloody shame..such situation arises, time could cast spider webs over passion, turning it cold......feelings change and appreciation becomes a novelty... a rarity. That's why when she sees old couples, still lovingly holding hands and sharing a plate of fried noodles together, or whatever, ...she literally stopped and stared...What beauty! Awesome!That's what marriage is all about, companionship, care, emotional support, love youth and in sickness and pain, when wrinkles sets in and the teeth are all gone, (yes,  someone just told me...when eye sight grows dimmed and the hearing is half gone) still see  love, you still whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears, and your eyes  still glow at the sight of each other...Talk about endangered species!!

Something to chew and consider: To those concerned -Get out there and find something to do, get your own circle of friends who are pro-you and understand you! Despair not, we still have treasures around, couples who  lovingly accompany each other right into the sunset. About the wallpapers and being confined to the shadows?? Again don't sit around and allow yourself to be wallpapered  and never seen or heard of again! Get into the act...make use of whatever talents you have -to bring visibility and voice back into your life..even if it is through volunteer  work. Usefulness and  function-ability translates and places you into the category of  needed, required, and sought after.For many people, if not all, that is what gives them sanity,meaning and satisfaction in life's living.

Monday, September 3, 2012

HRC -BGM -The Amazing Greys

7th Biennial General Meeting Senior Parishioners Group -( The Amazing Greys)
Church of the Holy Redeemer Klang-Sunday, 2nd September 2012 Time-3.00p.m.

New Committee prayed
over and sanctioned.
 NPP - Father Mari Akokiam
Welcoming the New  Parish Priest to
the BGM

Let us pray
The Amazing Greys of HRC held their 7th Biennial General Meeting on Sunday afternoon, with good support from members. New Parish Priest  Father Mari Arokiam  was invited to open the BGM and witness the election of the new committee for the new term,.  

 Dance! Dance! Dance!Sing the NPP

Congratulations Cynthia Sammy
creator of  catchy
phrase-'The Amazing Greys'
If YT may say so, the NPP was rich in words with  great talents for drawing laughters. He had the hall in stitches with his hilarious comments and home truths ..everybody agrees about but dared not voice out. .Here's one  Catholic priest who  punctuates his speech and words with scripture quotes -Who says Catholics do not know their Bible?? Just listen to him rattle off  bible quotes with ease-real pro. Now who says Catholics do not know how to bible refer & apply bible quotes as powerfully as the Protestants ??? And he breaks into songs in the middle of his sentences. When there were no suitable scripture quotes to support his statements, he sings appropriate lyrics to illustrate his point. 
Celebrating  Sept birthdays

The fellowship after the BGM
Serving food as well  Pastor??

Robin Roman Beccot Chairman sure was eloquent in his  praise and appreciation of the outgoing  committee for their incredible work, pro-parish support and their many activities for its members, calling them one of the most active ministry in the parish of HRC with  good support from ground level. 

Your cake?? ok! ok!
 take it! take it!!
But then  the popular wish of members  were to retain their old team for another term....and why not?? Their track record were impressive ,their commitments commendable  and their ability  to keep the ministry active and vibrant needed no promotion nor advertisement. 

Neither Doreen Magness and Peter Chan..the Presidential team needed any  trumpet either. Their actions speak louder than words. It was an unanimous consensus from the floor and yes sanction was given for another year.Good leaders are hard to come by and the NPP was appreciative of the fact.
lovely food

After the seriousness  of BGM, there was the fellowship cum traditional birthday wishes.  The celebrants had their fair share of limelight with birthday greetings and wishes  and their beautiful cake..honey sweet sweeten the rest of their  year lah!!