Monday, September 10, 2012

Ronald Reagan 's Tribute to God

A message sublime...since I received the forwarded  link from my friend Valerie, I have listen to it so many times...........I thought, it would be selfish if I did not share...

I hope you guys will be able to get into the link. I promise you, you will be immensely moved and touched by the sincerity and the TRUTH in  his words (..just relate it to yourself/ourselves ) ....such  love and belief in God , the Maker.   Indeed, we are all here for a purpose and our days belong to Him!! 

Move out of the noise zone and just listen...I promise will pray as I did at the end of this beautiful  tribute...and yes, your own heart will also rise up in appreciation with the realisation that we cannot just rely on our strength alone....we need to get down on our knees  and call  upon the Lord our God to see us through our life time......

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