Thursday, March 14, 2013

Confession, Reconcilation . just for the sharing

He that coverth his sins shall not prosper but who so confesses and forsake (them) shall have mercy.
Proverbs 28:13

And what does John 20:23 teaches us?

Confessing of sins -the Catholic way

If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained." John 20:23.

Not every one has Batman around them, but they do have their conscience to put them in the correct preceptive. Are you plagued by cancer of the innermost kind...that your entire system is now clogged up and you are unable to function rationally? 

This is the season to unload and clear those dreadful toxins ,from your system.Get cleanse. It's not unlike your yearly festive spring cleaning...After the ritual of cleansing-the house is now sparkling clean and presentable and you are ready to receive your guests. 

Freeing  your spirit and soul from the burden of guilt , pain and sin, works in a similar manner, only at a higher level. It uplifts you and allow you to move on and continue living  meaningfully and in good health. Health is wealth, never forget that!

Remember though to follow through with acts of repentance and reconciliation -the  people you have wronged. After you have carried out your penance,after acknowledging your sins and seeking forgiveness from God, don't go back to what you were doing -don't pick up your hammer and continue your bashing.  With reconciliation comes peace.

A large part is  forgiveness.  Are you ready to forgive your tormentor and yourself?  Yes,  for allowing yourself to sink down the pits of despair, for not having the courage and capability to rise up above the challenges.

Only you can decide whether you want to be healed or not. The freedom of  Will gives you the choice. Only you can decide if you want to  emerge a new person-a beautiful butterfly from its cocoon or a dunk insect, unable to fly out of imprisonment..  The Physicians are there, the tools are there, the listening ears are in place...They have even installed  extra large Flushers to flush away all your yucky yucky...Guess who has to carry those bad eggs and dump them into the Flusher   for you????

Best of luck with your unloading  guys! Be there early. Make sure you clear all those cob webs ,dust and make clean   your innermost chambers!! Get those  ugly weight off .your back and shoulders,.you'll look better in your  clothes!!

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