Saturday, March 9, 2013

Missing the Mark

Gone off course...missing  the mark.. meandering, adding your own colours, , doing what is contrary to  popular beliefs. Is that right or wrong? Is that sin? . It very much depends on the NOW definition, the circumstance, the situation and the need.

Missing the mark  may mean one thing in our beautiful yesteryears, but  today, the definition has moved with the times- the advancement, the development of the K and the Y. Most old time traditions and values  had been redefined as baggages and unloaded as people sync with the new beliefs and new values ..

So  what is defined as " missing the mark"? What is classified as  " an immoral act transgressing against Divine order/law.", in the NOW context??What and where is THAT mark, the precise point of  contention and discernment? 

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