Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Appreciate the Lord God

Preserve me, O God, for in thee I take refugee
I say to the Lord, Thou art my Lord
I have no good apart from Thee -Psalms 16:1-2

He reached from on high, he took me, he drew me out of many waters, He delivered me from my strong enemy and those who hated me......the Lord is my stay. Psalm 18:16-18

How many times, people who profess their love for us, 
look the other way, when  calamities hit us
How many times, those who proclaim delight in us 
turn their back on  us,
pretending  they do not see 
when we actually reach out in need!
Vanity, devious vanity!
In pain, we suffer alone
the Lord alone comforts us
He remains the steadfast rock
when darkness falls and
 the world desert you!

People! Keep time and space for the Lord God
He is the lifeline that keeps you going!
Without Him, you are nothing!

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