Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Work Hard

People, work hard and become a leader in whatever you do, whether it's mastery of a language-your class assignments,,becoming  an outstanding member of the society, your community,  the corporate sector- farming, which ever field you're in , not forgetting your home ...xtra across the board, people - it's border-less ! . Everything involves a strong element of work and more work. Taking things for granted, expecting dues without labouring, because you considered it your right, will only set you back in your progress. The best you could achieve are illusions of the complacent zone .Ultimately,you wish, you had been wiser, you wish you had put in more effort and work harder, you wish you have taken up that opportunity when it was presented to you, you wish you had shown more love and care to that someone..but all that is, were in the past and you simply cannot cry over spilt milk. Move out of that danger zone now!

Most times life throw challenges at us..and yes, it's only human to cry and lament  a little but life will throw you to the pits if you continue to wallow in your regrets. That is the surest way of inviting poverty into your lives. Stand up and whack the hell out of the Big, Big C-the cancers of survival and achievement comes your way!!

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