Monday, April 1, 2013

For the love of Fruits

It's the evening of Autumn;
and yet you eluded me
Have I not toiled painstakingly,
laboured unceasingly..
Standing up to challenges
battling  the cold winds
For a clear passage
into the threshold of my dreams?
And yet, , and yet
 you  remain an illusion
A chasing after wind....

What sorcery is this
 that created such a wasteland:
that incapacitates,
that led me wandering restless and unfulfilled-
the lifeless fields of desolation?!
What witchery  is this,
that turned fertile pastures
into destitute lands-
lifeless and worthless?

You caused me to sweat and toiled
 day and night ..
You tire me out with naught
a fruit in sight!
Oh! that a single grain thrive
and  life be sprung!

Patience,  have I not eaten of your salt
and  turned to you in recourse?
Have I not drunk of your wisdom
and  waited patiently  for my season
to come ?
Alas!  you betrayed my trust,
 deracinate hope!

Would you- that  I yearn ,
that I lament  forever
the suppression of destiny
 till  justice rises and
Life  even up its scores? 

Dusk is gathering..light disappearing
Youth had  ridden away
All that is left, is  a broken frame
clutching  a  candle, burnt out
Wondering and questioning..

Evil, was it you who stole my mind
and created conflicts and confusion-
And in sorcery stifle my thoughts,
the fruits, the wonders, 
the lyrics of my soul ??.

Witchery,did you cause
dust  to consume my dreams
banishing self worth far from me?
Have you conspired to condemn me
to emptiness nothingness, poverty-
Stealing  the glory , the prize
of every sweat I've toiled
and want so much to achieve?
Would you mock my very existence
and hinder my dreams?

Oh, that He  intervenes
To end your wicked ways,
and cast asunder the evil tomb
that enslave me
Vanquished you- your  barren spells
and restore me, my rightful pastures ,
my blessed sanctuary...
My Eden, and  taste of the harvest,
the living concrete dream attained!!

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