Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Freedom of the tongues

Freedom of the tongue is one thing,  too much of it ,  is the end of democracy , harmony and peace. Look at it at any angle, read it in any way you like..do you see what I see..???? That little soft chubby  and flexi  thing could spell love, comfort and togetherness , the voicing of our  sentiments and what we think and see.The positive gift of expression.  BUT at the same time it could dart venomous poison to disrupt peace and joy-a volcanic eruption. It could cause another,  hurt and tears. It could create family disharmony, it could cause a world war!! That's how powerful the human tongue is. A most powerful weapon that works both ways, heals, bridges yet tear lives apart. How it loves to create juicy scandals, lies and filth.How it loves to demean and belittle. And yet, how it soothes and calms, how it encourages, motivates, brings in the smiles, the meaning of good living ... the gentle and tender words of loved ones. The tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21)

'Get out!"  that's so  hurtful. That so dismissal!
"Don't worry too much about it, everyone makes mistakes." That's comforting, reassuring. 

"Do you know? She was once caught shoplifting! Be careful with your belongings."  That's damaging, that's pouring mud, preventing another from making a fresh start! 

"Her parents are hawkers, stop hanging around this person," That's misguiding , instilling wrong values into young minds." Today's wrong values will become tomorrow's culture.

"Congratulations! You did well"  That's appreciating, that's motivating.
" I love you, you are the greatest -that gives happiness.
"I hate you, leave me alone" That sets up barriers and bring in the pain and hurt.

 I was speaking to a group of young students ages ranging from 10-14, the other day. . I asked them, What do you think? Which animal is the most dangerous in the your country/in the world? Someone said, the mosquito, because it causes diseases like malaria, dengue which could kill thousands. Another said the lion, because it could even chew up your bones. One young lad,volunteered, piranhas ..they feed in such frenzy that within seconds, you are reduced to nothing. Interesting answers.

And then, this young lady voiced out. Humans Ms. Why? I was stunned by her answer. Tell me why ? Because humans have tongues Ms.  and tongues are such dangerous and powerful weapons. They make you happy and they could also make you sad. Hmmmm..yes, the heaven and hell thing. The wicked and the devious . The pure and the good.  I was impressed!!

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