Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Musing on the picture of ' language', My say.

Language is Power,Culture. Language is politics, warfare. Language is also communication, relationship and identity.Then we have body language. What others read of your body movement and what you intend others to read.

 It is pretty huge . Sounds complicated? As I reflected on the powers of language , I discovered its depth and immensity, which is astounding.  Language is a huge ball game, swirling firmly on the axils of the universe. It is the Universe, what it speaks.It is rich in agendas, it has motives, yet the heart and soul. It is playful, it is harsh-it is very, very fluid. As ,Jacques Derrida's puts it plainly,in his  Differance", it has the  ability to 'defer' and 'differ' , a constant flow of  fluidity.

Like .  the tongue, language is capable of inflating and deflating. Reflective of many aspects. It  flexes, rolls and dances in many angles, modes and directions. It is never static, but creates a chain of images, of different meanings and definitions where situations, circumstance, environment, identity, culture  and nationality has relevance. What is he saying? Yes, he said that, but what is he actually trying to convey? In what situation? Are you sure you fully understood what he's saying?Do you know that in a different culture,  images and representation completely differs????There is the  top, but  the surface comes with massive depth of the hidden and the beneath to explore, reflect, discover and discern. However, the conclusion is still subjective. Your understanding and perceptive is unique to yourself and may not reflect that of others.The words may be very structured and solid, but what if it is applied to some other subject or scenario??

As I see it,  language is very much associated with the tongue and the mind.. It rolls what you think-a reflection of your thoughts. The utterances are clearly a product of the mind. Sweet thoughts, give rise to honeyed words. For instance in the exchange of  endearment between lovers, the words sounds musical to the ears and it intoxicates both parties.Emotive adrenaline surges and the bonds tightens.  A mother's cooing and gentle  touch of her child, is a message of 'love'.The child understands and is receptive.

When you negotiate something, could be as simple as getting a child to eat his vegetables or the other end -the big POW wow corporate game.  The principle is the same-the how to of  'persuasion' in your favour, is put into full play. You activate appropriate power words and language to action the intricate workings of your mind-your plans . You formulate, structure those plans into  the language your mind deduce as capable of bringing in the comprehension of the other party/parties

In my everyday language,  I would term it as-the mind plots and schemes, analyse the 'problem' and then the thought about  'solution'  flows out with the agenda and the purpose, carefully crafted  into the comprehensible language, understood by the other party. If he is a child, the application of child language-simple and easily understood. If he is an adult, more affluent language, applied into the subject matter. All, according to the level and  comprehension of the person/persons receiving the message.

In persuasion,words are skilfully played to win over,or break down the resistance level. The mind politicise, language presents the picture,speaks  and projects the message. Whether you manage to win over a person or not, depends on how well, you have structured and packaged your message that it sounds right and beneficial to the other party-that he/she finds it easy to swallow, digest , thus accept.. Last night, I almost choked on a piece of delicious chicken meat. It got lodged at the throat, because it was too big and not tender enough. Nice and delicious does not mean, it could be swallowed whole. It has to be in the correct size and cooked well, for the easy bite and the swallow.

To be continued.....

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