Thursday, May 20, 2010

Basic Home truths

Human behaviour is predictable and very often controlled by emotions and feelings. Every action, every word uttered are products of these two element and mechanisms of the human being- the  brain sending out .powerful messages to act.....if you are happy, happy words flow out..if you are angry..negativeness ..passion, (either positive or negative) tears, depressive feelings, love, joy etc..etc..Complex, is the name of Humans beings and  the balance very often comes from some form of powerful  belief =Religious  or otherwise.  Feelings and emotions are what makes a person tick or sick. The people you associate with in life, either makes or break you. Deceit -white or black makes up a huge composition of  human life . What makes a person fragile and open to attacks are also feelings and emotions..And words very often are a person's it is good to be reserved sometimes. But it is also good to stand up for one's right, and not be cowed by the ploys of others and goodwill does indeed emits  peace and friendship .

Thanks my two friends S & C who gave YT this wisdom.

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