Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, when more than two or three gathers ....

"Where two or three are gathered in my name. I am in their midst" Matt 18:20...A powerful promise, which never fails to fill me  with warmth and indeed, when one focuses on those words, his Presence is profoundly present,  one actually feels the light touch of the Holy Spirit, a realization that Yes, He is indeed present.The feeling that everything will be alright because " The Lord is here, listening, comforting, protecting and healing..."

There is no shortage of strengthening words from the Bible, especially from the book of  Psalms, if one cares to journey through the Bible in the  peace and quiet, of heart, mind and soul..... True, there are many words and passages which leaves one wondering...but at the same time.when you are at a cross road and needed  comfort or guidance, Lo and behold ! the shine of .certain words  rises up, drawing your attention and awakening flows in.....your heart tells you....therein lies your answer......

Yesterday, the Parish Retreat  brought new insights which  enriches the mind and the soul, today, the lessons of the previous day were further enhanced,elaborated with preciseness and  focus that one cannot fail to understand....the essence and power of  The Eucharist ...bringing Christ into our midst ,each and every celebration of and  strength renewed! 

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