Saturday, May 1, 2010

Parish Retreat-having an appetite for the Eucharist- Meaning, Significance, & Power...

That is not  exactly the  title, but  to Marie, that is just what it is. Sure the Presenter is a dynamic-great speaker but what is effective and powerful  is his very down to earth presentation. No excuses for the human weaknesses, the sometimes unholy nature of what we are, - acceptance hypocrisy- everyone from the religious to the lay person   go through the upheavels , temptations and needs in their lives..  We are not perfect, we are all sinners. The powerhouse is the Eucharist , reinforcing virtues of goodness and keeping the connection to God,  alive, powerful and strong. We are a people of God, that fact is proven in His great sacrifice and His great love for us; henceforth there is no need of any other sacrifices, because the Son's Blood had been shed to renew the bond between God and man...

Going to church regularly is really not enough. There should be a daily renewal of love, faith and commitment to be Christian. There is a clear call to live the Christ in us everyday of our lives,  and it is no mean feat, my brothers and sisters.  As one brother shared after  the  first  session-, ....during mass, we religiously offer each other a sign of peace but as soon as mass, is over, the good gestures vanishes and we busied ourselves being our own persons, no more Christ in us. That's human in real life-unfortunately. One person I know, start to curse and swear at other drivers as soon as he leaves the church compound. Goodness leaves right after mass!!!

Yes, the brother who did the sharing was right, it is time to change, let us, each one of us, try to practice goodness and love..... for a change. Let us be sincere ....Definitely not easy but brethen, can we all at least give it a good try????.

Marie is fortunate to have three lovely ladies in her discussion group and yes, they  all spoke the same language, turning the  sharing into a  very  valuable,  and interesting educational session. When they next meet in church, the hellos and greetings will certainly be more meaningful because friendship has been cultivated. 

There was even a call for more gatherings of this nature., organisers, are you " showing the surrender sign??", let Marie give you a round of applause for your giving nature and  thanks guys( including the priests) and gals for a very knowledge filled  retreat.

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