Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Faith that we Pray-Concluding session

 Praying from the heart and with the heart...reaching up to God. with absolute  belief.   Yours Truly  thought that was so describes perfectly the creation of a daily covenant...a splendid bond of love between man and his God..the Father.YT always felt that the crux of  growth  in our relationship with God the capacity to deep feeling, from the interior ...reaching out until it  touches our Lord and our God and His total response to our call; embracing us. Sure, standard prayers  are important....but what she values most are spontaneous conversations with God, in the privacy of church and home.  They are more meaningful , because ...they come from herself, arising from her heart...

She came specially to seek  and comprehend the essence and  depth  of the Lord's Prayer. It may appear simple enough but the significance of each word, each phrase used must contain a wealth of meaning and purpose... Why is it known as the  total prayer???The CCC did not disappoint, but it is St. Augustine's reflections that provides the most nourishment and clarity.... the dark corridors are finally well lit.

"The Faith that we Pray" , was, brilliantly expressed.. A lot of efforts and work must have gone into the preparation...This writer is not going to thank the good Presenter, because he knows he has done a good job and that is satisfaction in itself. But if she could be so  permitted ......she thought the presenter's choice and use of words just brillant...with depths to depict  a thousand pictures...depending on how deep you want to peer into the ocean of knowledge. ...

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