Saturday, October 16, 2010


Tis, this writer's third week into the Intro to the Catechism of the Catholic church and I tell you people, it is good stuff! The Head Chef  was well prepared , plenty of tasty  house savour   ...Good doses of Wisdom and nutrients from the Book of Life  to keep the body, mind and soul, strong and healthy.  A wealth of knowledge , not only for all facilitors to enrich  their young charges with, but also, lay people like you and me, ...we are like newly planted seeds....watered, given fertilizers, and total care....nutured that we may thrive and blossom into strong and solid oak trees, capable of giving shade to others even if it is just for a little while .....

But with knowledge and life's pointers..... also came so many questions, ....a compliment really, because if there are no questions, it just mean, people are not listening or do not understand you, but if you could get people to come up to you wanting to know more, willing to open windows into  their locked rooms  and what nots.......... it is an applause indeed! 

Saturday, 23rd Oct 10 ......comes with a wonderful dish -"The Faith that we pray" ....that is the final session . If you have missed the last three sessions, it is still not too late...drop by next Saturday, have a plateful of goodies.... and that will detoxify your systems and  renew, purify  your mind, body and soul... not to be missed!

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