Thursday, October 21, 2010

Human behaviour is certainly a very complex thing. Being too  supportive  and too nice to your "friends" is not a virtue, because 90% of the time, you will end up a loser; people have the tendency to take advantage of  good natured people  and step all over them. Correct dosage of everything and anything keep you balanced in any relationship, and give you enough clarity to see your way ahead.

Humans have a way of treating good natured people differently...easier to  find faults , because, they  are nice enough to  take whatever  nonsense, thrown their way, and at the end of it all, still reach out and hold your hand. People find it easier to label good natured humans as 'bad" at the slightest not   even dare retaliate in anger or  hurt, or the  echoes of  " he/she is  so very sensitive lah- etc..etc..will ring all over the place but of course, the not so nice has the right to react in anger, if they hear any negative comments about themselves............

Justice is supposed to balance and stand on its own...but this universe allows the "have all" to sit on the "have nots"...... and the strong to overshadow the weak.   Humans, what do we make  of  ourselves?????

Cut the complications,  state your stand and be yourself right from the beginning. Do the mutual check on each other - what tick you and I???What tickers and what injures??? What bonds, what disintegrates???? Together, walk on even grounds, neither shall stand on higher or lower grounds...,  speak a common language and dance to the same stepping on each other's respect for each other....And please have a genuine heart. Jom! lets have a cup of coffee together????

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