Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mother's Prayers

Sometimes, things  go on so smoothly, and we feel so blessed. We know we have not done enough to deserve so much...and yet the blessing flows in... Ever wonder why????Perhaps, someone has been praying for you . Could that someone be your own faithful mother, praying fervently before God, asking for your well being,,,protection and providence? We do not realise it,  but sometimes, it is the prayers of others, our loved ones which lifts us up  to where we stand so comfortably.

Those who have lost their mothers pine for lost love and affection, but those who still have their mothers with them, take them for granted; find them too bothersome ...until too late...A mother is forever; even if she had passed on; no more physically with us, she remains cherished in our hearts and minds. She is up above watching over us. It is not easy to forget a mother's presence. They have a way of tugging at your heart...flooding love and cherish-ness into your very being. and there you are, a little baby again, holding on to your mother's hand in utter trust,  comfortably  on her lap...her loving arms. A mother continues to be there for you, forever...even if she is no more .......why, she is up there now in the sky , a bright star twinkling brightly..each twinkle a prayer, a blessing... for her children still journeying. below..... if only children knew.....how great and devoted a mother's love is..

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