Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In Trust we pray

Leading the night's Charismatic Prayer Meet- Praise and worship session are the Youths, lead by Bro.  Justin Janath and the Prodigal Apostles.  Yes, Jesus, You are Lord and God! 

The Speaker for the night- Dr. Ronald Stevenson , a young medical doctor-was  witty and engaging. Light and easy, yet with a punch, and he speaks not medical terms but the language of the youths, and all present . The sharing for the night was a topic much explored by  parenting experts and those who have our future generation of men at heart-parents, NGOs , mothers, generally all women- the how to of- cultivating and bringing up an able  generation  of responsible and dependable men, real  men, men, not weaklings, unable to conquer fears , or who runs away at the first sign of hardship and trouble-  -unable to meet up to what is required and expected of them,. Real men understand  and accept responsibilities and they are up to it, handling them with guts , skills and capabilities - a man. That culture and training starts from young , from home and that is spelled good upbringing.. 

 President Barack Obama and his wife was on air..- with Oprah the other day, .and they were speaking on parenting and instilling their kids with a culture of knowing  their responsibilities and living  up to them.  The President's children, make their own beds, do their chores, no buts about it., normal kids...except they cannot change the fact, they have a president for a father. They are being taught jungle survival skills -the skills of looking after themselves, if left on their own..  Mrs Obama learnt from her mother that good up bring, means  instilling good family values and teaching  kids responsibilities  and that will set them off on a  good  and balanced footing to  live life well. Marie was inspired!

Dr, Ronald Stevenson has  similar belief-  equipping our young people - our future adults with value and survival skills- .the abilities to measure up to life's many responsibilities,  and that start  from home!  And. Marie says-happy the women who finds good, dependable and responsible men in their lives . Young  people,  you can be that elite group of  responsible people!  - start off  by honouring God, father and mother., love one another, especially as members of one family As students, begin with maximum efforts to study well and make your parents proud of you! !

The Lord says, your faith will move mountains....and  again he said " if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven:Matt 18: 19.

We are a big group at this special Prayer Meet ., the Love theme- Prayer for our PMR students,powerfully lead by sister Josephine . Our collective prayers  rise up in one powerful voice for our students- sitting for their examinations- be empowered with the knowledge and grace of the Holy Spirit,  excel in every paper you sit for.  Work hard-do your part and leave the rest to God!! See you up the next level!

Venue: Chapel at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Klang
Every Tuesdays from 8.00p.m. - all are welcome.

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