Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Spiritual Wealth

The Charismatic Prayer Group is  sharing Spiritual Wealth to those who have ears to listen.and hearts to worship God=..every Tuesday night at 8.00p.m. . The Venue? - Chapel @ our Lady of Lourdes. Klang. 

Spiritual Wealth is  the source of inner health and well being, folks- it determines your happiness and your physicial health as well. Never  ever doubt that!!

Good news for the sharing

Next Charismatic Prayer Meet, Tuesday, 20th September 2011, from 8.00p.m onwards... lead by the Youths. ....and the good news is- there is a plan  to pray specially for those sitting for their  local secondary exams- the PMR   Bring your friends,  good news are meant to be shared, not kept hidden under the bush!!. 

Behind  many success stories , People,  there is always the love and the presence of God.  The faithful, trusts and believe-their prayers, somehow  gives them the drive, determination  and focus to work harder  and succeed .  It is the Holy Spirit showering encouragement and  motivation!

Our prayers and good wishes are with those burning the examination mid-night lamp. May God shower you with  knowledge, the ability to comprehend ,  absorb information,  facts. and notes well, so that you are able to answer every question intelligently, and move up the ladder of educational excellence and achievement.. 

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