Thursday, November 15, 2012

Subang Medical Centre-The Divine Image

It was a wet morning.. down cast skies ...raining when I headed for Subang Medical Centre.. I hadn't planned to go again..but I heard some very enthusiastic sharing from my fellow parishioners after mass this morning, ..and I was  like, am I missing something? I just have to pay another visit to  Subang Medical Centre.. .Everyone was into faith and faith talk ..unusual ...not a familiar scene in a catholic environment. They talk about conversion of hearts, they  spoke of the renewal of faith through the Holy Mother. I asked the parish priest..And what do you think Father? His response was very  Fr. Michael Chua - mindful of the teachings and stance of the catholic church in such a situation. Not a hair out of place...The Church always teaches prudence , he responded....and yes  he promised to come up with some catechesis .
Lighting candles for prayers
Here to pray for healing

Here, use the big eyes
I was hoping to be the lone ranger this morning..I wanted to spend some time contemplating, for some connection. There were already reports of miraculous healing ...but I was in  for a surprise..the site was swarmed with people armed with.umbrellas, some uncaring of the heavy drizzle even when I reached there. Rain or no rain...believers had come early. As I walked to join the crowd...the recitation of the rosary rang out.... I could not help but joined in with the recitation...There is something about the rosary...there was something so beautiful in group prayer....they stopped you in your opening of hearts to God...and this morning..the call was so clear...Holy Mother of God...pray for us!!.This morning, I learnt that.....divine image or not.... no one cares.....what matters is see what you believe and you believe what you hear and was reported. Gosh this morning..the air perpetuate with recitations of the Hail Mary...I could see families standing together praying...I could see family togetherness..I could see love and care...This family was wheeling in their elderly mother and I asked...Are you here to pray for healing? Their spontaneous response ..." oh yes" spoke of expectancy...I watched as they joined the crowd...the lady in the wheelchair immediately raised her hands and joined them in prayer, as soon as she gazed upwards..Right in front..two ladies were kneeling..eyes closed, hands joined together in earnest prayer. One of them, was shaking as she prayed...such love and belief in the intercessory powers of the  Holy Mother..amazing..absolutely awesome!!!
Holy Mother pray for me, pray for us!

If this sighting could bring about such a gush of faith, it is certainly good ...but the crowd is swelling and soon that site could well turn into religious,  pilgrimage grounds and a hospital no any longer...Perhaps  the church had done the right thing...arranging to transfer the image out-to the sanctuary of  church grounds, where people could pray and mediate within the grounds of church.  Whatever it is, it certainly appears that the path to renewal  and fortification of faith is already in motion... The Holy Mother is opening and renewing hearts to  return to God and bond with Him . She had always,  unfailingly stressed that we should  listen to what the Lord wants of us.. Divine , authentic or not...let the Church authorities decide..For us, lay people of God......let the Holy Spirit  guide us....let our faith speak and act to bring in  the miracles. 

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