Who's this?/ A Pharisee, he said
Yo! Looked mighty serious too!! |
Mary and the angel Gabriel??? How lovely!! |
Joseph or shepherds?? |
Catechetical Nite is a celebration of our children, said Fr. Michael Chua when he opened the OLL Cathetical Nite 2012 Sat, 3rd Nov. Truly, truly!
Indeed it was a celebration of the children's achievements, their abilities..and their vibrancy. The night certainly belonged to them. How proud were the parents!!

There were packed dinner for all. This was an event directly following mass and food was much welcomed. A host of activities, musical drama ,performances, lucky draws, xtra.. were in stored for all who turned up for the event and I must say..it was a mighty popular event, judging from the support. OLL's huge auditorium was packed.
The night also saw fund raising ...for needy students and other catechetical projects.
OLL very own torch flares up!!
Celebrating the light
radiating from our children!!
Beautiful!! Indeed, Deserving of
the thunderous applause,
which filled the auditorium
this night! |

Many have come resplendent in various costumes, there were angels aplenty..some like YT came as themselves...others came as saints..and it is as saints that we have been called to live our lives -
voice of the priest. Remember this is the year of faith..people! Act to fortify faith! Actually easier said than done... Faith is not something that remain steadfast, all the time...people, do you agree that it has the tendency to sway..in moments when we need them to be firm?? Seriously, we, need strength and we look to the church as a beacon to show us the way..
And now,make a wild guess who came dressed as a Pharisee?? See for yourself. The one looking mighty serious ...no problem guessing who it was -right??
Guys, great event, great night. Pity, YT could not stay.long. Bet it was a splendid affair throughout and you guys must have enjoyed yourselves tremendously. .
Just, let's not forget to thank God for the working team behind the scene yeah?? A round of applause guys!!
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