Friday, November 9, 2012

Mother of a Jumble Sale @ HRC Klang

The Time??? Still Very Early -8.30a.m.!!!

Dark but you can still see
it's Fr. Mari interacting with
his flocks
Look what we've got!!

Mother of a Jumble Sale it was at HRC on Sunday, 4th Nov !! The Amazing Greys were at it again! Gosh! where did they dig up such  a massive variety of stuff..and all in pretty good condition too-Toys, books, shoes, handbags, purse, ornaments, paintings, vases, backpacks, name it, they have it all . At 8.30a.m...people were already  browsing for early birds bargains...

Even the president had to don
on an apron and  do her bit!!

YT , herself could not resist a spot of bargain hunting...You know how it is...guys, Good Bargain..just calls out to you... somehow you give in to temptations. ...she picked up a lovely bag...guess how much it cost?? RM5/-. Next was a copy of the   Penguin Popular Classics...brand new... too...cost her only RM1/- Now where on earth could you ever  get such a lovely bargain.?? 
Setting up before the crowd comes in

Children enjoying their breakfast.
Unfortunate YT brought along a camera, minus the  memory card . She had left it in her laptop the night before and forgotten all about it, when she dashed out in the morning. Thank goodness for Amazing Grey-Nancy..she loaned her camera for some of these pics....

Hey, Amazing Greys, did you realise your objective?? Bet you did!! The food was awesome too!! Next  event on the list- The Sing Along with Billy and the Boys!!

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