Sunday, April 7, 2013

Be watchful and on guard for your own peace

Be wise as serpents and   innocent as doves...Matt 10:16

Intelligent,  wise, with the ability to discern yet harmless and devoid of bad intentions,  mischievous agendas or malicious  intent -gentle. 

Can you do that? Can we do that?  The paths to  true goodness is not easy...especially, now more than ever. It is the  latest craze - high fashion that  wolves  don the costumes and  clothes of sheep and lambs to snarl the unsuspecting and lead them astray or through treachery take away their peace and heritage.Though it was a direct call to the religious  doing the works of applies very much to the secular world. 

Workers of the spiritual and worldly pastures face the same dilemma  . Are you, are we among friends or foes? The race for survival  brings in different circumstances , varied battlefields, nebulous fronts and unexpected reactions even from those closest to us. Be constantly watchful and on guard. You need to trust others to formulate relationships and friendship, yet reserve a private portion, a grain of something to yourselves-do not expose yourself too much, cover yourself sufficiently, to preserve your security  lest you are devoured by wolves.

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